“Covid” has gone viral for another 2 years. It’s not over yet. Boot 6 needles. Need a new vaccine.

by time news

The question is, is this time appropriate and has the covids really unfolded…?

Thairath Online Special News Team have inquired about this matter to Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong, Head of Respiratory Disease Wichaiyut Hospital Explain that reducing the epidemic level It’s more of a public health issue than a medical one because in medical practice, we still find the epidemic of covids.

Assessment section must be considered from the infection which the numbers in the Thai collection That said that about 4 million people are infected, believe that it’s not true. Out of the Thai population, about 60 million people have been infected, about 40 million, the remaining 20 million, it is expected that everyone will be infected with covids in the future becauseThis disease is not over yet…

Especially people who have been infected with covid before may be infected again. But the thing to be careful is that people who are physically weak. If the disease enters It will be embedded in the body for a long time. Some are months, some are years, and have the opportunity to infect others. There are many people in this group in the world.

“Because this epidemic is not over yet. And stay with us for a long time… (repeat) In the end, those who have never been infected must be infected,” said Dr. Manoon.

Is covid-19 still “dangerous” and how does it affect removal from dangerous disease? head of respiratory disease Wichaiyut Hospital said that it is still considered a dangerous contagious disease. But… it’s not a serious epidemic. It will eventually become endemic.

In public health terms, if we say it’s a dangerous disease, apply many laws which the reduction came as a precaution It is considered a good thing. make the economy go on Whoever caught it was brought in for treatment.

“It’s the right time. because it allows the economy to move forward. Travel, travel, open a pub and bar for those who have been addicted to covids. It’s okay if they get addicted again. There are many more…”

ask how long end of the epidemic Dr. Manoon said briefly that until everyone is addicted And I think it should be at least 2 years.

The need for a vaccine boot. Needles 5-6.

Dr. Manoon also mentioned about the 5-6 vaccination boot at the moment that he would have to wait for the new vaccine. which is close to being used because of vaccination “Old model” Currently unable to prevent COVID-19 that no new mutants are we “Hopefully” the new vaccine will be better. prevent infection People who haven’t been vaccinated yet want to be vaccinated. Because current vaccines are not considered to prevent infection.

“Even though the infection rate at this time has dropped. because a lot of people are already addicted But some people have not had injections, such as people who are sick in the hospital. bed which this group has gradually injected more because he was hiding in the house And this group has started to get infected, so I want this group to hurry up and get vaccinated.”

The mutation of covid is still unpredictable.

When asked, now the mutation of COVID Is it still a concern? Mnuun admits that it is still worrying because the coronavirus continues to mutate. When the Delta outbreak, no one expected the OMicron BA.1 to come and go. BA.5

Is there any research to date that clearly indicates whether covid is natural or created? Doctor Manu admits that it is difficult to answer and asks if it comes from nature or not, it should be like that. But we don’t know if anyone has made it stronger.

When asked if there was covid Which species need to be especially vigilant? strains BA.2.75 and BA.5 personally believe that Probably coming to Thailand what is unknown is How long will we keep up with it? So all we have to do is prepare vaccines for all strains or for easier use such as nasal sprays. We have to come up with new ways to deal with it.

Special news team, Thairath Online reports.

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