The Palestinian Authority prides itself on leading terrorist operations

by time news

Another call of direction from the security mechanisms of the Palestinian Authority: in a video distributed on the Facebook page of Fatah’s Information and Culture Commission, both bodies boast that the soldiers of the security mechanisms are the ones who lead the “resistance” – that is, terrorism

The “Matt for Palestinian Media” Institute publishes that the Palestinian Authority continues to be proud that its security mechanisms are the ones leading the terrorist activities. Another reading of direction from the security mechanisms of the Palestinian Authority, in a document distributed on the Facebook page of Fatah’s Information and Culture Commission. The Palestinian Authority and Fatah are headed by Mahmoud Abbas. Both of these bodies pride themselves on the fact that the soldiers of the security mechanisms are the ones who lead the “resistance” – i.e. The terrorism.

Meanwhile, since the “Matt Institute for Palestinian Media” revealed, in 2011, the PA’s payments to terrorists, the amount of aid the PA receives from the international community has dropped by about 90%. Thus, according to PA reports, in the first ten months of 2011, it received approximately NIS 2.605 billion in international aid. As of the end of October 2017, the aid amount was halved and stood at NIS 1.335 billion; And as of the end of October 2021, international aid to the Palestinian Authority amounted to only NIS 224 million.

Following the exposure and activity of the Institute, countries such as Canada, the USA, Australia, and the Netherlands stopped or provided their assistance to the PA in stopping the PA’s payments to terrorists. Other countries stopped supporting the PA’s general budget, and switched to financing specific projects.

In the Netherlands, the decision to stop aid to the Palestinian Authority was made shortly after the director of the Mbat Institute for Palestinian Media appeared before a committee of the Parliament of the Netherlands, together with the victim of Palestinian terrorism, Kay Wilson, who survived an attack by terrorists who murdered her friend, Christine Loken, and survived after they They thought she was dead.

In the United States, the Taylor Force law gives the major part of the aid that the US government allocates to the Palestinian Authority, in ending the peace of the Palestinian Authority, to terrorists.

In other words, if the PA is indeed going through an economic crisis, the blame for that lies with the PA itself! If the PA had not paid hundreds of millions of shekels to terrorists a year, it would have benefited in three ways: First, it would have saved itself an expense of over NIS 600 million in payments to terrorists. Second, the State of Israel would not have been required to enact the offset law and implement it. And thirdly, the Palestinian Authority would receive all the international aid that is now denied to it because the countries of the world do not want to be part of the Palestinian Authority’s payments to terrorists.

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