It was the year of pop. Every year is the year of pop, but this is even more so

by time news

It was the year of pop. Another year of pop, the most prominent genre in 2022 as well, in 2022, but in any case – when it comes to us more polished than ever, with super up-to-date influences from artists like The Weeknd and Harry Styles. We narrowed the gap with what’s happening in the world in terms of writing and production, and we received fun and sweeping broadside songs from artists such as Rotem Cohen, Avraham Tal, Margi Ran Denkar and Eden Hasson. But more than anything, this was the year of female pop: Odia continued to bombard with catchy singles and conquered Caesaria, Maya Dadon (discovery of Eden Ben Zaken) Burst by storm and became, at the age of only 15, one of the hottest names in the field. Nono – the exciting pop phenomenon, who only a year ago was anonymous, Crossing genders and ages, with a new language, intelligent and full of humor of its ownNega Erez does not rest for a moment and is making names in the world, When the last word is shared with Missy Elliott and Weezer. Yasmin Moalem is an influential and inspiring voice both as a creator and as a singer, and stars such as Anna Zak, Agam Bohbot and Noa Kirel, release hit after hit, accompanied by elaborate music videos and a sound that does not fall short of what is happening in the international arena. Girl Power 2022.

Alongside the traditional means of communication, social networks played an important role this year as well, primarily TikTok which gained momentum and became a tool that influences the way music is heard and what becomes a hit and what doesn’t. The exposures on it are higher than Instagram and it is a pop tool in its essence, which grows an audience almost overnight. Artists sometimes release songs directly to the platform, which has long been no longer identified only with young people, thinking of reaching new audiences, songs like “Leave me from techno” by Lior Narkis, or “Mangal” by Shahar Tabuch, become viral almost instantly, and even “Living the Dream ” actually grows from there. Accordingly, artists and producers understand that it is necessary to cram as much information as possible in as little time as possible, and the songs are shortened to 2 minutes, and also reach the peak before you have sung the chorus of “Sucks to Know You”, “Go to sleep” or “Dubshaniye”.

Another notable trend is songs that were originally released during Pride Month and remained around long after. It’s common for pride songs to become anthems, but this year we were inundated with some particularly great ones. “Good news” of the simple and Agam Bohbot; Statik and Ben Tal who managed to bring “Achla Gavr” – an excellent release before the disbandment, together with Dana International who sounds at her best; Noa Kirel and Thoth with the infectious “Three Girls”, a kind of sequel to “Trilly Tarella” if you will, and of course Nono and Sghia Kriv with the immortal “Cute Boy” which probably also made your grandmother sing “Pa La Pa La Pa Pa Pa” at Friday dinners.

Tal Argaman will present together with Maya Alcolombre the annual Israeli parade that will be broadcast on Rosh Hashanah Eve (Sunday, 9/25), starting at 12:00 on Kan Gimel and Kan 11

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