Back to normal for e-commerce after the peak of containment

by time news

Sales fell by 17% in the second quarter of 2022, the sector nevertheless emerging stronger from the Covid crisis.

Despite a 17% drop in turnover in the second quarter of 2022, compared to the second quarter of 2021, professionals in the e-commerce sector are still smiling. In a new study published on Tuesday, September 20, the Federation of e-commerce and distance selling (Fevad), points out that the sector remains on high standards: 20% more than before covid. In question, the explosion of this mode of orders during the confinements. Between April and June 2020, the market had gained 45% compared to the previous year.

At the same time, the average basket is also up at 67 euros (+7.2% over one year). In total, the global e-commerce market, sales of products and services combined, recorded 35.7 billion euros in turnover over the last three months.

Unequal trends between sectors

In detail, not all parts of the sector are experiencing the same trend. If sales to individuals are down in this second quarter, this is not the case for the “BtoB(sale from professionals to professionals), which maintains its double-digit growth (12.6%).

There are also differences between sectors. Technical products and household appliances experienced a drop of 27% in the second quarter of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021 and sluggish growth of 4% compared to 2019. On the contrary, consumer products only experienced a slight slowdown between 2022 and 2021 (-3%) which confirms the jump compared to before Covid (+50%).

Slowdowns which can be explained in particular by the return of competition from businesses “ physiques “. Nevertheless, this does not call into question the long-term positive trend for e-commerce. As proof, online sales confirm their essential nature for many brands: “14,000 new merchant sites have seen the light of day in one year, an increase of 7%, despite more moderate growth than last year (+ 16%) during the 3e confinement»says the study.

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