This is how you can protect your child’s mental health in adulthood

by time news

06:14 PM

Wednesday 21 September 2022

Written by – Nada Sami

Many physical and psychological changes occur during adolescence, which greatly affect the psychological and mental health of children, especially if the features of puberty begin to appear earlier than normal.

“Consulto” reviews, in the following report, the impact of the physical and hormonal changes that occur in adolescence on psychological and mental health, and ways to deal with them, according to a website according to “Very well health”.

Physical and psychological changes during puberty

Girls usually start puberty between the ages of 9 to 13, and boys may be a little later, and hormonal and physical changes begin gradually, as early puberty can lead to mental health problems to a greater degree than they occur at the normal time.

Precocious puberty begins in girls before the age of eight, and before the age of nine in boys, and the onset of puberty earlier than their peers can affect children’s self-confidence and self-esteem.

Physical and mental maturity takes time to grow and develop during puberty, which differs between boys and girls, and although psychological changes can occur when children experience normal puberty, they are exacerbated when it occurs earlier than expected.

A 2022 study showed that girls are more likely to develop mental illness and risky behavior when they start puberty early.

Read also: For mothers.. 6 tips to follow when your child reaches adolescence

Among the most prominent psychological problems that may occur at puberty or develop, especially if the child has a genetic predisposition to it, include:

– Depression.

Bipolar disorder.

– Phobia.

Anxiety disorder.

– Schizophrenia.

Causes of precocious puberty

Precocious puberty may occur for a number of reasons, including:

An underactive or underactive thyroid can cause puberty to start early.

Pituitary disorders may also affect puberty.

An adrenal tumor is also a possible cause of precocious puberty.

Genes may also be one of the reasons that lead to precocious puberty.

How to deal with the psychological effects that occur during puberty

Dr. Laila Rajab, a mental and physical health consultant, says that parents should prepare children for puberty before it occurs so that the child can prepare and respond to the changes that happen to him without denial, fear or wonder, and identified a number of tips that may contribute to reducing the chances of exposure to many psychological disorders that It usually starts happening around the time, along with physical and hormonal changes. These tips are:

Talking with the child clearly and simply about the changes that will happen to him during that period, and that he is moving from childhood to adolescence.

Gaining the child’s confidence and answering any questions that concern him about the physical changes that occur to him or his relationship with his body

Not to scold the child or scold him when he notices his curiosity about anything, but rather encourages him to ask and learn.

Talking about sexual health and the genital area and its function, and how to protect its limits and not allow anyone to cross those limits

– Purchase of personal care items and underwear suitable for girls and boys.

Monitoring the child remotely and observing his behavior, without violating his personal boundaries.

Understanding and responding to the exaggerated reactions that occur during that period, such as the constant quarrel or isolation, and the definition of the child what is permitted and prohibited without any violence.

Buying books suitable for children of that age and encouraging them to read and learn.

Taking the child’s opinion on some matters and adopting his opinion

– When you notice any changes in the child, such as depression, sadness, violence, or any exaggerated reaction, a specialized psychiatrist should be consulted.

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