Nuclear threat, partial mobilization… Putin persists in the 210th day of the conflict

by time news

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news of the day

After drastically accelerating his agenda on Tuesday with regard to the referendums in the occupied zones of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin passes the second this Wednesday. The Russian president has decreed a partial mobilization, while kyiv is leading a victorious counter-offensive in the east and, more modestly, in the south of the country.

Russia will mobilize 300,000 reservists to reinforce its troops in Ukraine, said Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, warning that this represented only a tiny part of the number of people who could be mobilized in the country. According to him, Russia has the potential to mobilize some 25 million people.

sentence of the day

We will certainly use all the means at our disposal to protect Russia and our people.”

The Russian president was particularly threatening on Wednesday, assuring that Moscow was ready to use “all its means” of defense, including nuclear, to “protect” itself. “It’s not a bluff,” warned Vladimir Putin, after accusing the West of wanting to “destroy” Russia.

The number of the day

5.937. Russia acknowledged on Wednesday a toll of nearly 6,000 soldiers killed since the start of its offensive in Ukraine at the end of February, a toll well below Ukrainian and Western estimates. The last official Kremlin report dated back to March 25 and reported 1,351 dead.

kyiv assures for its part that more than 55,000 Russian soldiers have died on its territory, and the Pentagon estimated at the beginning of August that between 70,000 and 80,000 Russian soldiers have been injured or killed since the start of the invasion.

The trend of the day

Moscow is baring its teeth as the rest of the world looks on anxiously. The partial mobilization announced by Vladimir Putin has thus provoked many reactions internationally. “With the partial mobilization, Russia is practicing a policy of escalating this war of aggression in violation of international law. This is a serious and wrong step that we strongly condemn,” reacted Berlin.

Vladimir Putin’s decisions “lead to further isolate Russia”, said Emmanuel Macron, who called on the international community to “put maximum pressure” on the Russian president. “I deeply regret President Putin’s choice to involve his country, in particular the youth, in the war” by announcing the mobilization of reservists, added the French president.

“Putin’s announcement of fictitious referendums, partial military mobilization and nuclear blackmail constitutes a serious escalation”, for his part castigated the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell. Across the Atlantic, the White House immediately denounced “irresponsible rhetoric from a nuclear power”, indicating that it took this threat “seriously”. These shock statements could isolate Moscow a little more while China and India have “called for a ceasefire” in Ukraine.

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