“Threw his waters in full view”: He lost control of the flight and it ended very badly

by time news

Passengers on the Ryanair airline, got into a horror flight that they only dreamed would end. The flight, which was en route from Manchester Airport in England to Tenerife in Spain on Sunday evening, had to divert to Porto Santo in Portugal after several passengers “completely lost it”, according to witnesses on board.

The man, and several other passengers were taken off the plane by the local police. One passenger, who preferred to remain anonymous, claimed that the rioter looked “totally drunk” and that the crew repeatedly pleaded with him to sit down, moments before the pilot diverted the plane to Porto Santo.

Chaos on a 4-hour flight from England to Spain (Photo: REUTERS/Andrius Sytas)

The witness told the Liverpool Echo: “The flight was delayed at Manchester Airport, so apparently the man found some free time to drink alcohol. Normally, when you get on a flight and there’s a delay, the first thing you hear is the captain greeting you and apologizing for the delay. But on this flight, The first thing we heard was ‘anyone who drinks alcohol or smokes in the bathroom will get off the plane,’ and from that I understood that they were aware of the fact that the passenger boarded drunk.”

He added: “The guy was acting like a madman. He was very drunk, climbing on the seat despite being told to sit down dozens of times. In the end, after the staff managed to get a little control over him, he asked to go to the bathroom and was told no. He just stood up, revealed He removed his penis in front of the crew and the passengers sitting nearby and began to pour his water on the seat next to him.”

Photos from the fight (photo: from Facebook)Photos from the fight (photo: from Facebook)

According to the reports, it was said that at that moment the crew informed him that if he did not stop his actions, he would be arrested immediately upon landing. However, after several arguments broke out on board, the pilot had no choice but to land the plane. The anonymous passenger explained: “Many passengers tried to calm the man down and talk to him calmly, but he completely ignored it and continued on his way.”

“In the end, after the captain announced in an announcement that he was making a landing, a violent fight broke out in the front of the plane and in the back of the plane. It was scary, like a robbery.” The plane then landed in Puerto Santo, where authorities evacuated the rioting passengers just before the flight continued on to Tenerife. Despite the chaos, the anonymous passenger praised Ryanair’s cabin crew for the way they handled the incident. “The team handled the case in the best possible way. Although they were helpless, they were definitely thoughtful and polite.”

Despite the chaos, the anonymous passenger praised the cabin crew (Photo: www.pixabay.com)Despite the chaos, the anonymous passenger praised the cabin crew (Photo: www.pixabay.com)

A Ryanair spokesman said: “A flight from Manchester to Tenerife on September 18 diverted to Porto Santo after a number of passengers became unruly on board. The aircraft landed safely and the passengers were removed from the aircraft by local police. The safety of our passengers is our number one priority. We will not accept This kind of behavior.”

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