Lucarelli collects the outburst of the owner of the Milanese house of Ambra: “ I want her back ”

by time news

Lucarelli collects the outburst of the owner of the Milanese house of Ambra Angiolini who claims to have been waiting for months for the actress to vacate the house rented in 2021 with then-partner Massimiliano Allegri. ” Silvia Slitti, famous event organizer and wife of the former football player Giampaolo Pazzini – writes Lucarelli in the newspaper ‘Domani’ – tells me via Instagram what is happening to her with great bitterness, after waiting patiently for the situation to resolve itself in peaceful manner. The situation concerns her Milanese house rented to Massimiliano Allegri and Ambra Angiolini in June 2021, when the two planned to live together in Milan. How Silvia she explained last night in some stories on Instagram – we still read on ‘Domani’ – that house had been rented temporarily because she and her family had moved to a seaside town due to Covid, but with the intention of returning in Milan after ten months (so established the rental contract). Then Ambra and Allegri broke up and in that house so loved by Silvia, her husband, her son who has his bedroom and her toys there, only Ambra is left. She who, however, at the end of the ten-month contract in June she never left. ” At this point – continues Lucarelli – Silvia decides to take matters into her own hands: ‘I look for her number and write her a long message – Silvia tells the journalist – in which I explain who I am, I tell her I’m sorry for how things went and that it will surely have its reasons, but that this is my home and I work in Milan, my son wants to go back to his house when school starts again and I don’t sleep there at night because I feel bad about this situation but who, as a woman, are available to help you. The story, in short, seems to take a peaceful turn – still says the owner of the Milanese house by Ambra alla Lucarelli – She calls me in the afternoon saying she is delighted to have the opportunity to explain to me .. she tells me that she is away, that she doesn’t know how to move, that her daughter is there studying and a lot of other things. She cries, she mortifies herself… Not much was coming back, but I decide to believe her: I esteemed her cabbage! I didn’t mean to be a bitch! I make a decision against everyone, I decide to do her a ‘favor’, I give her another month and I tell her: I give you the symbolic date of September 15th! School starts on September 15th and I have to go into my house … She swears that by September 7th she will leave me home ” ‘.

” ‘Until at the end of August, without any reason – continues Slitti in the interview – one day her assistant calls me, tells me not to’ bother ‘Mrs. Angiolini anymore, who is very busy and that I must understand that has time to deal with a move if not in several months but not within the year. I was on a bicycle .. It takes me badly, I start to cry and repeat in a loop that this is my house … it is my house and that I don’t understand how they can’t just feel sorry and apologize. They tell me that I have to understand them ‘. I tried to ask Ambra for a comment – concludes Lucarelli – because she could have her good reasons, but for now her reasons remain unknown. She replied: ‘It’s one bad story, there are lawyers involved, I’m not used to making a mess on social media ‘. In short, we hope that everything will be resolved soon without too many aftermaths, that Silvia can return to her house and that Ambra finds a new home, one of those beautiful and bright ones. In short, with the ‘X Factor’ ”.

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