Minister of Culture’s Yitzhak Navon Prize for the Preservation and Cultivation of Israeli Cultures 2022

by time news

The award is intended to preserve and spread the work, legacy and contribution of the fifth president of the State of Israel, Yitzhak Navon, to the preservation and cultivation of the various cultures in Israel; and to express appreciation for the work of a creator who made his/her mark or contributed to familiarization with the different cultures in Israel, to their dissemination or cultivation;

Yitzhak Navon Minister of Culture and Sports Award for the Preservation and Cultivation of Israeli Cultures for encouraging creators in their early career

In 2022, the award will be given to creators who are citizens of the State of Israel and who live there permanently, who have a significant body of work and with an emphasis on work in the field of heritage, in one or more of the following fields: dance, theater or literature.
A creator who has won this award in the past will not submit his/her nomination and will not win the award.
Up to 3 prizes will be awarded to creators on their way (one prize in each of the prize areas) in the amount of NIS 30,000 per prize; And in addition, up to 3 prizes to encourage creators (one prize in each of the prize areas) in the amount of NIS 36,000 per prize (up to 6 prizes in total).

“He was clever” award – Lifetime Achievement Award

The award will be given to a creator active in the last 25 years, in one of the fields of dance, theater, literature, music, cinema, and art and design, who is a citizen of the State of Israel residing there permanently, who has left a mark in the field of culture and art in Israel and help preserve one or more of the different cultures in Israel, spread or nurture them. A person who won this award in the past or another Lifetime Achievement Award of the Ministry of Culture, or who received one of the Ministry of Culture’s awards, other than a Lifetime Achievement Award, in the last 10 years, will not apply and will not win the award. ie in the years 2012-2021).
One prize of NIS 40,000 will be awarded

The prize regulations, the general prize regulations of the Ministry of Culture and Sports (hereinafter – “the general regulations”) and the lateral amendment that apply to this procedure and the application form, can be downloaded from the bottom of this page or contact the producer on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Sports Ms. Ornit Ben-Dror “Events that concern ” at the email address [email protected].

The deadline for submitting an application is: Sunday, 28 in Tashri Tashfag, October 23, 2022 until 4:00 p.m.

An application is only considered when completed application forms have actually been received at the production company’s offices. Applications received after the aforementioned deadline, applications that are incomplete or unsigned, or applications that contain material that is not as required, will not be included in the list of candidates to receive the award. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that the application forms have been received in full at the production company’s offices by the aforementioned date.

What is stated in this ad is for information purposes only. All procedures for the awarding of the prize in this general terms and conditions of submitting the nomination, will be conducted according to the provisions of the regulations of the respective prize and the general regulations (hereinafter – the “regulations”) and subject to their provisions. In the event of a conflict between what is stated in this ad and the regulations, what is stated in the regulations will prevail. The ad appeals to both women and men.
The granting of the award is conditional on budgetary availability.

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