Enhance the vaccine for the mind, not mentally ill with positive psychology.

by time news

It is estimated by world-class mental health scholars that in the next 10-20 years mental health problems will overtake other diseases to be the number one causing both health and economic losses whether such predictions are true or not; But now we are facing more statistics of Thai people committing suicide. In the past year, there are more than 5,000 cases, it may be time to ask that question. What happened to Thai society today?

  • I’m a mentally ill person. not a bad person

“Sick with mental illness doesn’t mean we’re weak. Because the strongest athlete in the world is also depression even the psychiatrist himself.” A voice from Dr. Worat Chotiphitayasunont, MD. spokesperson for the Department of Mental Health Ministry of Health Give an insight into one of the online forum roundtables. “The Power of Local Communities to Promote and Prevent Thai Mental Health Problems” at Office of the Health Promotion Fund or Thai House of Representatives together with National Public Health Foundation or NHSO It is held on September 10th of every year in the hopes of encouraging Thai people to be aware of preventable mental health problems. can

Dr. Worat also revealed the attitudes, beliefs and practices of society towards people who are mentally ill. It’s been a “bad” thing for a long time, long before mental health was accepted today. People with mental problems are often labeled “crazy” for not having the same values ​​as the average person. go back more than a hundred years Ignorance makes society view People with mental health problems are the act of a deuce. the invisible But despite the perception of mental health to a certain level in later eras People still look at the image full of riddles, nymphs, dark stories. Only in the past thirty have more research. to make people understand that it’s about chemicals in the brain

“Even if the stigma is reduced But it’s very slow. because twenty years ago We also see in Thai movies often writing scripts for the end of the villain to go to a psychiatric hospital. to atone for karma view mental health problems as karma that the villain has to suffer or even the healer himself is seen as a doctor that no one takes to be with a psychiatrist and has a strange personality But fortunately, the new generation already understands psychiatric disorders. Even if not everyone But as everyone adjusts their mental health attitudes, a new norm for better psychiatric treatment will emerge. but admits that the current perspective on mental health treatment in Thai society may not be equal to those of other countries.” Dr. Worat said

Even if the perspective situation improves But it seems that the situation of mental health problems is increasing continuously. including in Thailand mental health It has become a health problem that in the past 5-10 years, Thailand has averaged suicide An increase of 500-1,000 people per year. In 2021, 5,000 people commit suicide. The cause of suicide is 1. Relationship problems 50% 2. Health problems 30% 3. Alcohol problems Other economic problems 20%

A spokesman for the Department of Mental Health added that traditional work in hospitals may not be the answer. mental health problems Therefore, it is a matter of everyone. In addition, there are problems with Thai mental health personnel, which are limited and unbalanced. There are fewer than 200 child and adolescent psychiatrists, 1,000 psychiatrists, and 1,000 psychologists, and it will take 5-10 years to increase the number of mental health workers.

Therefore, the solution to the problem is no longer just the treatment. but need to build knowledge especially the creation of “personnel” with mental health knowledge which is not the only duty of the Department of Mental Health But there are also public health personnel. and leaders in areas that can participate more, such as provincial hospitals The local community health unit working with Department of Mental Health And it is necessary to work in connection with technology to connect or collaborate to create technology and innovation in healthcare.

“Technology helps solve the answer that How can the Department of Mental Health help? by the process through social media platforms because it is like an important eye in the social world It is like an aunt next door who looks after If you meet someone who wants to die that will let us go and save people. Social media can be a mouthpiece. And the other hand reaches the area fastest, that is the police. But he may not know how to heal. Therefore, it was developed into a system of cooperation that uses zero baht. but use different strengths Each of them is a collaborative component. We’ve been experimenting for a year, two years of launch, and we’ve helped over 400 people. These innovations are helping suicidal people that we haven’t been able to do in the last 20 years.” Dr. Worat said

Enhance the vaccine for the mind, not mentally ill with positive psychology.

Thai House of Representatives Join to support network partners Develop innovative online platforms and Dmind, an artificial intelligence screening system. depression to replace the need for mental health assistance It is a tool that people in the community can easily assess themselves. accurate effect

  • Volunteer to help seniors away from depression

We surveyed the happiness of 255 elderly people, found that they were less happy, less depressed, and their children did not care. Feeling disappointed in myself, discouraged. One example is that in 2019, one elderly person hung his head. This was caused by when the child didn’t answer the call. Therefore, he was reluctant to hang himself.

Chantra Harnsuthichai The president of Phak Mai Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Huai Thap Than District, Sisaket Province reflects the true story from the area. It also said that Phak Mai Subdistrict has a population of 7,160, with more than 20 psychiatric patients, 7 of whom were diagnosed with psychiatric patients and their relatives, and more than 10 were diagnosed by doctors and their relatives who disagreed. and 2021, more suicides diagnosed by doctors as mentally ill. but does not show symptoms

Enhance the vaccine for the mind, not mentally ill with positive psychology.

The Phakmai Subdistrict Administrative Organization saw the importance of the problem. organized a community forum in the sub-district Set up a working group to promote mental health, Long Term Care, to bring knowledge of prevention of mental health problems of Thai House of Representatives and NHSO came to help screening, monitoring, and assessing each village An accurate database is kept. It is a proactive work in reducing mental health problems that lead to suicide at the local level

“We have two community mental health volunteers in each village and other volunteers. Two days of training When we train, we invite him as a family. Including the elderly, volunteers, there is a team connection with other volunteers. We encourage the elderly to play a role. through the process of school for the elderly create activities Add some entertainment for him to do to relieve stress, depression, Chandra said

  • Mental Health

during covid-19 found that labor age problems are somewhat higher than the elderly Because they have to face the main problem is lack of income. Some people have no jobs. Concerned about the COVID-19 crisis how to continue earning Some people may be addicted to drugs. or drinking alcohol making the situation even worse

Orapin Wimonphusit According to the Association for Alternative Pathways for Sustainable Development, mental health services have been open for ten years. There were a few dozen people using it. Before adjusting the attitude to the local community that we do not focus on patients. But people who are worried, stressed, depressed, we need a little time.

Enhance the vaccine for the mind, not mentally ill with positive psychology.

She describes working as a proactive mental health supplement. It is a self-reflection, self-understanding, self-worth to bring that potential as a base of strength. In the labor world, talking to organizations It’s hard to talk about productivity or productivity because they’re happier.

  • Few organizations will understand

Orapin added that many people wonder why mental health is involved in labor policy. We think that if mental health is good Physical health is strong as well. Because they believe that “mind leads body”, mental health is the basis for various strengths. Most workers have debt problems. life management take risks If there is a platform to help inspire each other to promote vocal mental health. Or someone who has done it as an example would be a good guide.

The other question is how to create an important mechanism. Is volunteering in the community. In fact, we have a lot of costs in society, whether it is volunteer labor. Public Health Volunteers, Dr. Din, MD, Volunteers, Volunteers in the factory, this group is a volunteer. is already a mainstay, if we add mind vaccine Let him fill him with knowledge of health. This will give him the potential to build his own immunity. Because most of the volunteers do for others. but forgot to do it for myself Later, develop these mechanisms for him to have count selling skills rather than service providers. Including the development of all existing tools to be accessible to all people. One of these tools for us has been the proactive mental health promotion guide.

  • vaccinate the heart

Chatwut Wangwan Director of the Bureau of Health Risk Factor Control Support The Office of the Health Promotion Fund or Thai Health Promotion Foundation said that the picking of resources The cost of these lessons from many areas means that NHSO does not have to start from scratch. can be used

past Thai House of Representatives Accelerate the readiness to drive the work of mental health development at the local level Under the cooperation development project to drive promotion and prevention mental health problems of the local community in crisis situations and throughout life, piloted in 10 areas such as 1. Wang Saphung Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Wang Saphung District, Loei Province 2. Wang Krot Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bang Mun Nak District, Phichit Province 3. Ban Khlong Muang Mai Hospital, Ban Khlong Mueang Mai Amphawa District, Samut Songkhram Province The lesson learned is to solve problems by space, such as picking up cost resources. or creating technology to connect people between each other to help

“We see that not everyone needs to go to see a psychiatrist, but to use deep learning skills, which is listening attentively and not judging. is the primary elementary, what Thai House of Representatives look at the key lever Using modern technology brings people closer together. Linked together will cause problems to be relieved. Many times the suicide problem is caused by bullies. Each person may have to create mind vaccine No different, how can we find someone we can talk to? being in an environment where he can take himself out of his distressed state.” Chatwut said

Enhance the vaccine for the mind, not mentally ill with positive psychology.

Chatwut continued that Thai House of Representatives apply the concept of capital positive psychology It’s a way of working to enhance mental health. by living life with hope optimism Creating a feeling of self-worth The best way to manage your suicide risk is to embrace yourself, be mindful, and the most important person is yourself. before dealing with stimuli

Dr. Worat suggested that notice yourself explore one’s own mind and have knowledge of how I should solve the problem and reach out for help from those who can help

“The problem of people in modern times is We don’t spend much time with ourselves. Not very kind to ourselves Do not encourage yourself at all. In addition, look at some problems that we cannot control. We need to let go Accept that it is something that cannot be controlled. But some problems we can manage by ourselves, such as not drinking intoxicants. no debt non-gambling Not quarreling with violence in the family. It is important to find some happiness for yourself and learn how to forgive yourself. everything can go wrong Don’t be too mean to yourself. When we take less suffering and do nothing that is useless to life. The happier you are, the less likely you are to get sick from mental illnesses.” Dr. Worat leaves a comment

Enhance the vaccine for the mind, not mentally ill with positive psychology.

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