In Yaroslavl, the head of the paratrooper club faces a fine after a homophobic show | News from Germany about Russia | DW

by time news

An administrative case was opened against the head of the Yaroslavl military-patriotic club “Paratrooper” Andrei Palachev, whose wards on the stage smashed a fake brick with the inscription “Death to n *** (homosexuals)”. This was announced on Monday, November 8, by the Dozhd TV channel.

The protocol was drawn up under the article on violation of the established requirements for the dissemination of information products among children containing information harmful to their development. The maximum penalty on the charge is a fine of 10 thousand rubles.

The speech of the paratrooper military-patriotic club in question took place at the end of August. During the performance, the paratroopers put a dummy brick with the inscription “Death to n *** (homosexuals)” on one of the show participants and smashed it with a sledgehammer.

Ombudsman declared the inadmissibility of obscene language

In the hall that evening, among other spectators, there were a large number of children. In the palace of culture itself, where the event took place, they said that the episode with the dummy had not been agreed upon, and stressed that if they had been aware of it in advance, they would not have allowed it to be shown.

After the speech, the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child of the Yaroslavl Region promised to conduct a check because of “the inadmissibility of foul language in the propaganda of patriotic education.”

The head of the club, Andrei Palachev, justified the incident by saying that “the kids just decided to joke and drew this inscription at the last moment.” The head of the military-patriotic club called it a joke and said that his charges, like himself, do not like representatives of sexual minorities.

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