the specialty tests will take place from March 20 to 22, 2023 with “tightened” programs

by time news

It will therefore be March, despite the broad opposition of actors in the educational community. The Ministry of National Education announced on Thursday, September 22, that the two baccalaureate specialty exams (EDS) would take place on March 20, 21 and 22, 2023. The schedule for these exams, accounting for 32% of the final mark of the exam, has been eagerly awaited since the start of the school year by teachers and more than 500,000 final year students.

Canceled in 2020 and postponed to 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, these tests, true pillars of the Blanquer reform, will take place for the first time according to the schedule initially planned, which should allow these grades to be completed in the Parcoursup folder. Almost all of the teachers’ unions, all the associations of specialist teachers and the majority union of heads of establishments were however opposed to it, demanding their final postponement to May or June.

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Programs too heavy to be taught calmly in the allotted time, methodological expectations too high for students halfway through their final year, risk of demobilization of high school students once the tests have passed… Since the introduction of the new version of the baccalaureate , the teachers, supported by certain inspectors, denounce a “educational nonsense” to take the EDS so early in the school year.

“Best compromise”

Before the start of the school year, Pap Ndiaye had stated his desire to “shift a little” the exam scheduled for mid-March, but “the room for maneuver was extremely limited” between a month of April inundated by school holidays and a month of May too late, explains the minister in an interview with AEF info. “We have therefore set these tests as late as possible in March, which is the best compromise between the school calendar and that of Parcoursup”which did not move.

If the ministry did not want to reconsider the original spirit of the reform, Pap Ndiaye nevertheless says he has “listened to teachers’ comments about the exam program and the difficulty for students to be ready for March”. The test programs will therefore be “tightened” so ” persistent ” to give high school students time to“deepen”explains the rue de Grenelle in a press release and in a letter addressed to the students.

Changes will be announced next week. A delay denounced by the teachers, who do not approach all the chapters in the same order and are already worried about seeing those with which they began disappear from the programs.

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