I also won the lottery – OPINION – FEATURE

by time news

It’s half past two in the afternoon. I was taking my usual afternoon nap. Afternoon is traditionally said. The process that lasts from one o’clock to five o’clock is not sleepy. Had it not been for the art form of tea drinking in the evening, my slumber would have lasted till dinner. So while he was snoring, his wife came frantically and shook him awake. Something is happening on TV. After sleeping, my next pastime is watching TV.

When I came in front of the TV, I saw that the TV was full of ‘Madhyampada’. The cameras were busy. Onam was shooting the lucky man who hit the bumper. Bhagyawan, Bhagyawan’s family, the path Bhagyawan took were covered. There are other related stories. Enemies? Advice from past fortunetellers from the furnace of experience, whether the lottery was actually won by the individual or by the Income Tax Department? Was the 50 rupees the trap busted a one-off, was it retail, etc., and many other sub-informations that excite a viewer like me.

my pleasure

I looked at the lucky winner of the lottery. No, not my acquaintance. No kinship. Neither is the person around me. I don’t know anyone. Ho! Relieved. If any of my relatives or acquaintances are lucky, can I sleep? Shouldn’t I find other reasons and express my anger to my family about my relative winning the lottery? ‘This is how tea is made. Won’t I get rid of my wife’s anger because my acquaintances are getting better? Ha! This is now an unknown friend. There is no acquaintance. Thank you God, thank you. It is twice as happy to know that our loved ones did not get an advantage than when we get an advantage.

Good luck

I looked at that friend whose life changed in a single day. Then I started thinking about the topic of ‘luck and me’. Is it possible for me to get such a bumper luck in my life? If I had bought this ticket, sometimes the ticket in my shirt pocket would stay in my pocket and mix with water the next day when I was doing laundry, and the color of the ticket and my clothes would be bad. That’s how lucky I am.

“Bhakyavantam Prasuyetha

Mashuram Ma – Cha Pandita”

Kuntidevi advised Panchali. You should give birth to a lucky person, not a brave or a scholar. My mother thought that if I did not become a hero or a scholar, I would at least be a lucky one. the poor I thought about the situation. Have I had any luck? That thought brought to mind the misfortunes of me and average people like me.

good luck

and misfortunes

1. While studying at school, math sir is about to ask a question. Looking at us. The chest will throb. We don’t know the answer. A moment later the bell rings. My gold Isn’t that lucky? Which Onam bumper will give you the joy of standing on its seventh floor.

2. In the past, the movie theater used to fight for tickets. The announcement comes when we get the ticket. Ticket closed. Oops! What a joy. What a blessing. Sometimes we hear the ticket closed sound when the person standing right in front of us takes it. You are in the pit of misfortune.

3. Stopping to collect tickets at railway station or elsewhere. There are four queues. We are in the shortest queue. If we were in the next queue, we would be 18th. Fifteenth of these. Then a conversation with the party taking the ticket and the brother giving the ticket. Lack of retail or train time. The queue on the right taunts us forward. Even after the ticket was taken by the person we counted, we were 10th in the queue. Sometimes when we approach the counter, the staff closes the counter for something else. We were in front of that line and behind in the next line. Look at the fortunes and misfortunes, sir.

4. Two buses going to the same destination arrive at the stand. We board the faster, less crowded bus ahead. The burning bus gets a puncture on the way. We leave without a seat on the bus that follows us.

5. It is possible to fall in love at any age. good luck That love leads to marriage. Mostly bad luck.

6. It is possible to own a house. good luck Housing loan does not expire. bad luck

7, New friendship on WhatsApp to be active for days. good luck Wife understands phone password. bad luck

8. Leaving the stray dog ​​unbitten. good luck Thanking the dog, he puts his foot on the broken slab. bad luck

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