Hebrew News – Did you get Corona? You are at a much higher risk of experiencing neurological problems

by time news

Did you get Corona? You are at a much higher risk of experiencing neurological problems

According to an American study, people infected with the virus are at a 50% higher risk of having a stroke, 77% of developing memory problems, 43% of suffering from mental problems and many other brain problems

People who have contracted the corona virus are at a higher risk of a series of brain injuries during the following year, compared to people who have never been infected with the virus.

(Photo: Shutterstock)

The year-long American study, published in Nature Medicine, assessed brain health across 44 different disorders, among millions of American military veterans.

The findings show that brain disorders and other neurological disorders occurred among those who contracted the virus at a 7 percent higher rate compared to a group of military veterans who never got sick. This percentage translates to about 6.6 million people who suffered from brain defects that are related to corona infection.

“The results show the long-term devastating effects of the corona,” said one of the authors, Dr. Ziad Al-Ali, from the University of Washington School of Medicine.

The doctor and his colleagues at the University and Veterans Health System in St. Louis studied the medical records of 154,000 military veterans who contracted the virus, from March 1, 2020 to January 15, 2021. They compared the data with the records of 5.6 million people who did not contract the coronavirus during the same time frame. , and documents from before the spread of the virus in the US of 5.8 million people.

The most common neurological problem was memory impairment, commonly referred to as brain fog. According to the study, people who were infected with Corona had a 77% higher risk of developing memory problems.

In addition, people who contracted the virus had a 50 percent higher risk of having an ischemic stroke, which is caused by blood clots, compared to a group that had never been infected.

Those infected with the virus were 80 percent more likely to have seizures, 43 percent more likely to suffer from mental health problems such as anxiety or depression, as well as 35 percent more likely to suffer from headaches, and 42 percent more likely to suffer from movement disorders, such as tremors , compared to people who have never been infected.

The researchers said that the governments and the various health systems must plan how to conduct themselves in life after the corona. “Given the enormous scale of the epidemic, meeting these challenges requires urgent and coordinated response strategies – but so far they are absent, globally, nationally and regionally.”

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