Israel in favor of a two-state solution? A brilliant speech but “out of place”

by time news

“Yair Lapid’s speech is the first given by an Israeli leader in many years on the Palestinian question before the UN”, says columnist Itamar Eichner in the pages of the daily Yediot Aharonot, after the visit to the United Nations platform of the Israeli interim Prime Minister, Thursday, September 22. The title quotes Yaïr Lapid as follows:

“Peace is not a compromise, it is the bravest decision we can take. Peace is not a weakness, it embodies all the strength of the human spirit. Peace is the renunciation of all that is bad in you and in us, peace is the victory of Good.

Dithyrambic, the columnist continues: “[Ses mots] were sincere and courageous. Lapid’s speech cannot be reduced to an electoral coup. [Ses paroles] are too strong to be reduced to the Israeli context, which will see us participating in a fifth electoral campaign in three years.”

A powerful and moving speech

In Maariv, columnist Ben Caspit is almost as enthusiastic. “Let us never forget that, before embracing a political career, Yaïr Lapid was

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