The attacks continue – the army does not replace diskettes • The Jewish Voice

by time news

The security deterioration continues in a way that has not been remembered for many years, and this alongside incitement by the Arab terrorist organizations throughout the country and many warnings that caused the alertness of the security system to be raised to the highest starting from Saturday evening.

Several attacks were carried out on Thursday. In Hawara village, an Arab ran over an IDF soldier and injured him slightly to moderately. The soldiers shot at the terrorist’s vehicle which lost control. The terrorist was injured and was taken for medical treatment.

Later, an Arab from the village of A-Tor in East Jerusalem began a stabbing spree at the Shilot intersection near Modi’in. Three civilians were slightly injured until a police officer who was in a car at the intersection eliminated the terrorist. The terrorist is Muhammad Abu Jumaa, a 23-year-old Arab youth known to the police from similar incidents. Police forces raided his house in Tor and clashes broke out between Arabs and the police forces. In Essavia in East Jerusalem it was also reported that Arabs set fire to a police camera position.

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In the early morning, terrorists opened fire at the village of Har Bracha in Samaria. Damage was caused to the house and a bullet was fired into a family’s bedroom. This is the second night in a row that terrorists shoot at Mount Bracha. It was also reported that before the shooting incident, the terrorists’ vehicle tried to break into the settlement of Shebi Shomron. A military force and the guard at the gate of the settlement were suspicious of the vehicle, prevented its entry and when the vehicle spread out and tried to drive to the western neighborhood of the settlement, they shot at him and he fled.

According to the suspicion, this is the same squad that also carried out a number of shooting attacks in the last two weeks against the IDF post at the Jit junction as well as against the village of Shebi Shomron.

At the same time, Hamas’ incitement continues. Senior Hamas officials welcome the attacks and encourage them. Likewise, Kamal Khativ, the deputy head of the northern faction of the Islamic Movement, published a statement to the effect that “the next Hebrew year does not bode well for Israel.” Ekrima Sabri, the mufti who supports the attacks, also published incitement calls and called on the Arabs to come to the Al Aqsa Mosque to protect it.

The incitement highlighting Al Aqsa Mosque despite the fact that there is no unusual occurrence on the Temple Mount indicates a timed course of incitement. In addition, the Shin Bet reported today (Friday) that a squad of terrorists from the village of Jema’in in Samaria that carried out the first shooting attacks in Hawara about two weeks ago, was targeted by Hamas in Gaza. Despite this, Defense Minister Gantz approved yesterday (Thursday) an increase of 1,500 work permits in Israel for workers from Gaza.

It was also reported that the shooting attack on Carmel was solved and a 16-year-old Bedouin boy was arrested from the village of Kaabana Zawadin between Carmel and Umm Daraj, who is suspected of carrying out the shooting attack on the nearby settlement of Carmel on Mount Hebron. The terrorist opened fire at the Reuta yeshiva that operates in the settlement and wounded one of the students. This is a relatively unusual identity of a terrorist, since the Bedouins in the area are not labeled as being involved in the IDF but in criminal activities.

Yesterday it was reported that four Arabs from Deheisha were arrested on suspicion of having carried out the shooting attack about two months ago at the home of the Shperber family in Efrat. Several bullets hit the house and penetrated some of the rooms. Initially it was claimed that it was a clan feud, but later an ambush was located with many pods in it. With the arrest of the terrorists, three weapons were also found that were apparently used by the terrorists.

The system must change diskette

However, immediately after the capture of one squad of terrorists, the next in line arrives, and in real time several squads are operating in the field carrying out shooting attacks. For example, after the capture of the firing squad that carried out attacks in Hawara, another attack was carried out at the beginning of last week by another terrorist squad.

In Nablus there are many armed terrorists with their faces exposed. Yesterday (Thursday) receptions were held for the released terrorists, both in Kfar Beta and in Nablus itself. The events were attended by dozens of armed terrorists who fired in the air.

The security establishment understands that we are in an event that did not happen for a long time, but despite this, they still believe that the enemy’s routine must be preserved.

For example, after the shooting and trampling attacks in Hawara, the Arab movement continued as a series.

Only after dozens of residents demonstrated against the continuation of the enemy’s way of life, and physically blocked the entrance to Nablus, did the army block the Arab movement for a short time until the demonstrations dispersed. In addition, residents organized tours of the roads.

Some residents in Samaria also protested on social media that the media did not cover the attacks. Zvi Sukot, a candidate for “Religious Zionism” and a resident of Yitzhar, wrote that “If a terrorist vehicle had fired at bedrooms in Tel Aviv and fled, there would now be live broadcasts and half the IDF on the streets. But these are settlers from Mount Bracha in Samaria. who cares”.

On the other hand, in the village of Har Bracha itself, they oppose the demonstrations and even oppose the release of reports to the media about the attacks. In a message sent from the settlement’s leadership to the residents, it is stated that “We ask the residents not to issue an independent report to the media. The terrorists are encouraged to continue shooting if it is disseminated through the media.”

The head of the Samaria Council, Yossi Dagan, told the Jewish Voice that he is continuously talking with the senior military and demanding from them and the political echelon to “change a diskette” before we reach the situation of the second intifada. In the IDF, one battalion in the Samaria Brigade will be reinforced, but beyond that, as of this writing, no actions that drastically change the situation have been carried out.

In his speech at the Samaria Brigade commander exchange ceremony this week, the commander of the IOS division, Brigadier General Avi Belot, said that in the coming days the IDF will examine the governance in the field and decide how to act. Since then, the attacks have continued on a daily basis.

“I greatly appreciate the activities of the IDF and know that they do not sleep at night to provide protection for the residents here and for the entire State of Israel, but we need to significantly increase our forces, block Hawara and the exit from Nablus, return the checkpoints. It is not possible that there is a shooting attack in Hawara at night and in the morning all commerce and all Arab traffic are operating as usual,” said Dagan.

We asked Dagan why the heads of the councils opened a protest tent in front of Defense Minister Gantz’s house against the backdrop of the traffic jams at the checkpoints and not against the backdrop of the serious security deterioration. Dagan replied that he joined the council leaders’ protest and that the traffic jams also create a security risk. According to him, if the security system does not escalate the military operations, the council will organize protest actions on the issue.

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