First complaint against Brussels for the veto on bottom fishing: “It is prevarication”

by time news

The Galician Nationalist Block has submitted a complaint before the Valedora do Pobo Europeo for the approval of regulation 2022/1614 of the European Commission, which curtails bottom fishing activity and leaves the continuity of a large part of the Galician fleet up in the air. “We have just presented it for violation of administrative acts,” nationalist MEP Ana Miranda told FARO. “It is prevarication”, she abounds her. The Fisheries Commission did not carry out a socioeconomic study of the impact of this measure, as revealed and revealed in the scoop by Faro de Vigo, a newspaper that is part of the Prensa Ibérica group as well as this medium, and was also unable to assess what damage, if any, is caused by fixed gear to the seabed..

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“A delegated act of these characteristics must always include a socioeconomic impact assessment”continues Miranda, who this morning met with representatives of the fleet in Ribeira. He has also requested the incorporation of this veto to bottom fishing in the agenda of the next Fisheries Commission, as the popular MEP Francisco Millán Mon has also requested.

“It is difficult to determine a preference, since the socioeconomic impacts. Some fisheries go to some places on a regular basis, and they may be important to them, although the effort is not very high”, says the ICES report verbatim (International Council for the Exploration of the SeaICES in Spanish) on which the Fisheries Commission was based to impose this snip on the sector.

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