The price of cigarettes could increase by 5 to 6% in 2023

by time news

Will it soon be impossible to buy a pack of cigarettes for less than 11 euros in France? According The echoesthe government would consider raising tobacco taxation in 2023. A decision that would be under consideration within the executive within the framework of the Social Security financing bill.

Currently, the annual excise duty increase on cigarettes is indexed to inflation two years ago and capped at 1.8%. But the government would like to change this rule. Instead of taking as a reference the inflation of two years ago, he would like to choose that of the previous year.

About 70 cents increase

Given the current context, this decision would clearly change the situation for smokers with an increase in excise duties which could be 5 to 6% next year.

More concretely, packets of cigarettes are currently sold at around 10 euros. If the government confirms this new calculation, smokers will have to pay an average of 70 cents more, detail our colleagues. The price of a packet of rolling tobacco would exceed 15 euros.

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