“Let’s decide quickly”, launches Edouard Philippe

by time news

“Let’s decide quickly” on the method to reform pensions, launched Saturday Edouard Philippe, invited, like the secretary general of Renaissance Stéphane Séjourné, by François Bayrou to the summer universities of the Modem where the three allies competed in kindness.

The hypothesis of a pension reform via an amendment to the social security financing bill, mentioned by Emmanuel Macron, divides the majority. François Bayrou warned against a “forced passage” and the MoDem deputies indicated that they would vote “certainly against” such an amendment.

No hesitation too long

“François (Bayrou) said very clearly, it is perfectly respectable, and in addition it is based on an often fair analysis, his position. Me, I said with the same concern as François to arrive at the reform, and the same reading of the difficulties that he pointed out, that whatever happens, we would firmly support the government. But let’s decide quickly, ”said Édouard Philippe.

“Let’s not let this subject, this hesitation, drift. Let’s decide quickly and let’s either move quickly or move a little slower, but let’s say how we’re going to do it, we don’t need to add hesitation to a subject that is already complicated, it seems to me. it,” the former prime minister added.

Emmanuel Macron will meet next week with Elisabeth Borne the leaders of the majority and the ministers concerned to take stock of how to initiate the pension reform, announced on Saturday the entourage of the head of state.

What direction to reach the end point?

“We all know the landing spot. We have the right to have discussions on how we are going, that does not bother me, and these debates are rather healthy in the majority, ”said the secretary general of the presidential Renaissance party, Stéphane Séjourné.

“If we want it to last, you have to know how to bring this collective to life with its different sensitivities, and I will also be the guarantor in my place,” he added. “The alliance”, for his part declared François Bayrou, “it presupposes reciprocal esteem, a sense of solidarity and freedom of expression”.

“It can happen that there are nuances between movements. It is very important that the French measure the duty of freedom which is ours, that of each of the formations” of the majority. But these nuances “in no way affect the necessary solidarity for me. Simply, it is for the French a guarantee of authenticity, ”according to the boss of the Modem.

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