Journalist Marzio Breda wins the Estense Prize

by time news

The journalist Marzio Breda, quirinalist of the “Corriere della Sera”, is the winner of the 58th edition of the Estense Prize. The verdict reached the fifth vote, with 23 preferences, after a careful comparison between the technical jury chaired by Guido Gentili and the popular one. Both juries met this morning at the ‘Claudio Abbado’ Teatro Comunale in Ferrara to discuss the finalist quatrain: “Heads without a state. The presidents of the great Italian crisis” (Marsilio) by Marzio Breda, “The school will save us” (Solferino ) by Dacia Maraini, “The battlefield” (La Nave di Teseo) by Maurizio Molinari and “Claretta l’hitleriana” (Longanesi) by Mirella Serri.

Marzio Breda received the Golden Eagle of the Estense Prize during the ceremony, conducted by Cesara Buonamici, at the Teatro Comunale in Ferrara. On the same occasion, the 38th “Gianni Granzotto Recognition. A style in information” sent to Rai correspondent Giovanna Botteri.

The president Guido Gentili, interpreting the thought of the technical jury, observed: “this edition was certainly distinguished by the quality and authoritativeness of the finalists, four points of view useful for understanding and interpreting current events”.

Marzio Breda with “Heads without a State. The presidents of the Great Italian Crisis” (Marsilio) tells how he has transformed and how the role of the President of the Republic is destined to change again. What changes have the institutional crises and emergencies of recent years caused? From a privileged observer, witness of over thirty years of events and intrigues on the Hill, a history of the country in five portraits of figures who have taken on a key role in the life of our democracy, from the ‘pickaxe’ Cossiga to Sergio Mattarella.

The author Marzio Breda comments on the victory of the Estense Prize in this way: “It is an unexpected recognition. In the book I tried to give a sense of the metamorphosis that the heads of state underwent and how they became decisive political directors to resolve the moments of system crisis. I was lucky enough to build a personal relationship with all the Presidents, even going beyond the relationship between the journalist and his source. From Cossiga onwards, the Presidents discovered the importance of initiating a dialogue with citizens and this it also explains why they are more inclined to confront “.

The jury chaired by the president of the Premio Estense Foundation, Gian Luigi Zaina, and made up of seven entrepreneurs from the territories of Bologna, Ferrara and Modena (Marco Arletti, Gianna Bigliardi, Nicola Lamacchia, Gianluca Loffredo, Rudi Ricci Mingani, Andrea Panizza and Paolo Saini) awarded Giovanna Botteri the “Gianni Granzotto Award. A style in information” with the favorable opinion of the technical jury “for her important contribution to the analysis of the conflict in Ukraine and the international scenario.

The Estense Award since 1965 rewards the excellence of Italian journalism, fueling the discussion on the most important current issues and sensitivity to corporate social responsibility.

The technical jury of the Estense Prize, chaired by Guido Gentili, is composed of Giacomo Bedeschi, Michele Brambilla, Luigi Contu, Tiziana Ferrario, Paolo Garimberti, Jas Gawronski, Giordano Bruno Guerri, Laura Laurenzi, Agnese Pini and Venanzio Postiglione.

“There is a similarity between Bper Banca and the Estense Prize, because both have become increasingly important over time. Our Institute was born in Emilia and has grown considerably, working with an eye to the future but trying to remain faithful to the values ​​that have always characterized. The opportunity to participate in a well-established cultural event of national value such as the Estense Prize offers the opportunity for our bank to continue to create value and return it to the community, continuing in a precise and conscious choice of social responsibility. ‘company that has always characterized our institute “, declared Massimo Biancardi, head of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Department of Bper Banca, which once again this year confirms itself as the main sponsor of the Estense Prize.

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