a right to win back at the ballot box

by time news

For years, Democrats have warned of serious threats to abortion. Almost everywhere in the Republican states, access to abortion was undermined, planed. Nevertheless, for many Americans, losing this constitutional right that had been in effect since 1973 remained a worrying but distant prospect.

And then, in June, the Supreme Court rendered its decision in the Dobbs case. vs Jackson, annulant Roe vs Wade, the judgment which, forty-nine years earlier, had established the right to abortion. Since then, laws prohibiting the termination of pregnancy have come into effect in at least 10 states. The Republicans are increasing the new restrictions, and pose the threat of a challenge to other rights, such as gay marriage or access to contraception.

However, there are signs that a response is brewing, and the Democrats are counting on this backlash to upset the midterm elections, both in the federal Congress and in the assemblies of the federated states.

Republican voters swing to the left

White House officials, Democratic candidates and party strategists say this lost reproductive freedom has galvanized a disenchanted Democratic base, and could even tip an electorate that has played a key role in recent Democratic victories. , namely these women from the suburbs [de la classe moyenne ou aisée] rather republican or independent of the two parties.

At the beginning of August, in the very conservative state of Kansas, voters created a surprise by voting by an overwhelming majority for the maintenance of the right to abortion. In doing so, they reinforced the Democrats in their analysis, and revealed that there was indeed a risk for the Republicans at t

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The Guardian (London)

Independence and quality characterize this title born in 1821, which counts among its ranks some of the most respected columnists in the country. The Guardian is the reference newspaper for the intelligentsia, teachers and trade unionists. Oriented to the center left, he is very critical of the Conservative government.
Unlike other British reference dailies, the newspaper has chosen a site with free access, which it shares with its Sunday edition, The Observer. The two press titles switched to tabloid format in 2018. This decision was part of a logic of cost reduction, while The Guardian had been losing money continuously for twenty years. A successful strategy: in May 2019, the editorial director, Katharine Viner, announced that the newspaper was profitable, a first since 1998.

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