This is the annual forecast for the year 2018 from the seminary of Uzi the priest – don’t miss it!!

by time news

Annual forecast according to astrology and tarot cards for the year 2015 From the seminary of Uzi the priest.

Aries – Aries:

The annual tarot card that represents Aries in the year 2015 is the Chariot card. The year 2015 is essentially a positive year. In order for you to progress effectively this year, you will need to know how to maneuver between opposing forces, how to maneuver between lack of desire and desire and between desire and unwillingness. The annual card invites Aries to connect with self-awareness so that they can gain optimal control over their lives. Through a process of self-awareness you will be able to deal with difficulties/fears/challenges that await you during the year. This is a good year for dating and emotional connections that have the power to lead towards marriage or building a home. This year, you must make honest choices and if you have difficulty choosing on your own, it is strongly recommended to seek the advice and guidance of a professional who can help you reach the best decisions for you. Spiritual awakening and getting closer to the spirit world opens up new paths for both personal and spiritual growth. Tip for a better year: connect with an inner vision. An inner vision is the first step on the way to creating the reality you desire. Happy New Year and God be with you!!

New Year – Mazal Shor:

The Tarot card that represents Taurus in the year 2017 is the Satan card. The annual card invites you Taurus to carefully check your motives this year and find out with yourselves whether you are acting out of slavery or shackles to such and such desires, to prejudices and fears. This year you will be exposed to cases of domineering and powerful. This year you had to make sure that your lust does not control you and only a connection to faith that is backed by positive thinking will allow you to do this successfully. This is an essentially material year and therefore economic issues such as: finances, salary and general security come up this year and will keep you very busy. To avoid disappointments and discouragement on financial grounds, this year it is recommended that you keep your money in a safe place and avoid hasty investments and tempting deals. Read Psalm 17 in the Psalms, which is considered an effective virtue against the evil eye. This year, the tendency to dispute is very great, and you should be careful not to get dragged into quarrels and arguments that will cloud the atmosphere. Addiction to the lusts of the body and surrendering to the will of the instinct may disrupt your daily routine, so be sure to stand for the difference between the need for prone to dangerous addiction. Tip for a better year: “Go against the flow.” Happy New Year and God be with you!!

Tashpag – Gemini:

The tarot card that represents Gemini in the year 2018 is the 6 of Swords card. The main message that the card seeks to convey to Gemini speaks of your willingness to accept help without it causing any shame or indicating weakness. The annual card invites you to open up to receiving help and to use it This is like a springboard to advance yourself in any subject or interest area. This year you should avoid running away from the problems that are bothering you. The New Year is a year full of thoughts and social/political issues will make up a large part of its time. The ability to compliment others from a genuine place will allow you to present yourself in a positive light. A vacation, a trip or a rocket is on the agenda this year and there is exposure to new places. This is a good year for learning, professional development and acquiring knowledge. Home and family take up a significant part of your time in the New Year. A tip for a better year: connect with nature this year, go out and see some green in the poor. Happy New Year and God be with you!!

Tashpag – Cancer sign:

The tarot card that represents Cancers in the New Year is the 10 of Swords card. This is a year of closing a circle and opening a new and better circle. This is a year of new beginnings, with an optimistic tone. It is a year full of thoughts whose main motive will be your ability not to be dragged and fall into black bile. Avoid negative thinking as much as possible and try at all times to stick to the light. This year Cancerians must face both mental exhaustion and physical fatigue. Energy treatments such as: healing, reiki or energy washing have the power to recharge you. In a year It’s psychology that affects your biology and your tendency to over-worry may cause your immune system to weaken. Ensuring proper nutrition and doing moderate physical activity will improve your feeling. Tip for a better year: this year try to read sign language… Happy New Year and God bless you!!

New Year – Leo:

The tarot card that represents the Leos in the year 2018 is the star card. The card indicates that for many of the lions, this is a very positive year. The idea that stands as the basis of this year speaks of your ability to connect to flow and positive thinking. Your annual card invites you to connect to thinking Positive out of faith in yourself and the processes of life. This is a good year to accomplish things and implement long-term plans and actions. In this year it is recommended to connect with hope, harmony and optimism. This is a good year to connect with nature and Mother Earth. The New Year is a year of self-disclosure and openness Myself and those engaged in art and creative culture are expected to have great successes. The essence of this year is essentially spiritual and connecting to the consciousness of abundance will allow you to enjoy everything this year has to offer you. Tip for a better year: be happy in your part. Happy New Year and God be with you!!

New Year – Virgo:

The annual tarot card that represents Virgo is the power card. The card indicates that the year of Virgos is a very positive year for them. The spiritual essence of this year speaks of your ability to control and govern your creatures. This is a good year to connect with strength, power, courage, inner control and spiritual power. Connecting with the leader that exists within you will allow you to step towards positive change both personally and professionally. In order to get the best out of the year of the New Year and achieve what you want, the annual card invites you to connect with soft and gentle forces and to avoid forcefulness, criticism and aggressiveness.. This is a good year for institutionalization and collaborations both professionally and socially. The one that will allow you to avoid negative feelings. Tip for a better year: believe in miracles… Happy New Year and God be with you!!

New Year – Libra:

The annual tarot card that represents the Libras in the year 2018 is the Prince of Swords card. Your annual card indicates that the year 2018 is a dominant year, an active, vibrant year full of movement and action. This is a great year for expanding horizons and acquiring wisdom and knowledge. The key word of this year is assertiveness and determination. The annual card recommends Libras to make their decisions this year according to logic and not according to emotion. This is a very communicative year that will allow you to present yourself in a positive light. This year there may be a blurring of the boundaries between good and bad and therefore, you should be careful with your words and make sure to phrase it correctly and not say anything that you might regret in the future. The year 2018 is a year of new beginnings and of new and positive actions. Tip for a better year: agree to fooling around.. Happy New Year and God be with you!!

Tashpag – Scorpio:

The annual tarot card that represents Scorpios in the year of the New Year is the Queen of Cups card. The card indicates that the year ahead is positive for you. The card teaches that the year of the New Year is essentially a spiritual year and topics related to intuition and emotion in its various aspects will occupy you. In this year, you must behave with maturity and responsibility in any subject or matter you deal with. Your ability to overcome anger and demonstrate control over your temper will be put to the test this year. This year it is very important not to hold grudges or gossip. Also, issues related to personal empowerment and spiritual development come up in the year 2018 and many will show great interest in mysticism, personal empowerment and getting closer to religion and tradition. The annual card also reveals to us that this year, the energy of fertility is very strong and therefore issues related to pregnancy and childbirth or starting a business New (your baby) or spiritually fertilized, you receive a spirit of support. Tip for a better year: make your voice heard… Happy New Year and God be with you!!

New Year – Sagittarius:

The annual tarot card that represents Sagittarius in the year 2017 is the Queen of Staffs card. Therefore and accordingly, the motif of the year 2018 speaks of leadership and creativity. The annual card invites Sagittarius to place themselves in the center so that this year you can express your charisma and creativity in front of everyone. This year you have the ability to be the center of attention to impress and lead others. Applied in the field of work and cooling. This is a great year to see and show the energies around you are positive and if you use it wisely you can promote yourself in a positive way. Happy New Year to those who are involved in faith, creativity, acting, singing and playing… Natalit’s initiative, activity and doing will allow you to exhaust all the good that this year can offer you. Tip for a better year: find the similar… Happy New Year and God be with you!!

New Year – Capricorn:

The annual tarot card that represents the Capricorns is the 5 of swords card. This card has another name and is also known as the “Ego card.” The annual card shows that a challenging year is ahead. In order to get through this year with as little damage as possible, you Capricorns will have to train mental flexibility and even reach completion if these are not limitations that exist in your world. Adopting such a mindset will allow you to avoid ego struggles and arguments with those around you. The annual card invites you Capricorns to give up your need to prove that you know best and that you are right. Allow yourself this year to be a little less stubborn and righteous and then you will be able to communicate better with those around you and experience more collaborations and friendships. New Year’s Eve is a year full of thoughts and distractions, therefore, the ability to distinguish between care and concern is very important for you. Social relationships are put to the test this year. Tip for a better year: this year it is important to know how to respect the difference, to respect those who do not think like you… Happy New Year And God with you!!

New Year – Aquarius:

The annual tarot card that represents Aquarius in the year 2018 is the King of Coins card. The annual card shows that a positive year is at the door and indeed, the year 2018 shines its face for Aquarius. The essence of this year is essentially a material essence and issues related to financial security, money, business and property take a positive turn that allows you to operate from a more comfortable and stable place. This is a great year to build your professional and public status. This is a good year for the establishment of existing things and the creation of new and good things. Your willingness to harness yourselves for a noble cause will pay off greatly for you and actions taken from a mature and responsible place will bear positive fruits in God. Tip for a better year: this year try to show more sensitivity to everything that is happening in your world.. Happy New Year and God be with you!!

New Year – Pisces:

The annual Tarot card that represents Pisces in the year 2018 is the Eight of Wands card. The card points to a positive year that is just around the corner and this year a lot of positive energy and great vigor await Pisces who will only use it wisely. This is an active year and the emphasis will be placed on work and livelihood. This is a great year to realize plans and put ideas into action. In this year, things happen to you quickly and for the better. This is a year of trips and trips and moving forward and actions done from a place of faith will bear fruit with God’s help. May you fulfill your ambitions in every field and in every matter. TPFG can be a good springboard for professional advancement, for learning new areas of interest and becoming a professional. Tip for a better year: connect with the winner in you. Happy New Year and God be with you!!

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