“Without an income agreement there will be a social fracture as in the 2008 crisis”

by time news

No, Catalan businessmen are already smart enough to know where they have to invest. With these appeals, what Mr. Moreno Bonilla is creating is a territorial conflict that is not necessary. Foment is in favor of abolishing the estate tax, because it is confiscatory. We would have liked the Govern of the Generalitat did what it has done Ayuso o Moreno Bonilla. But it’s not the shapes.

In recent years, more companies have left Catalonia than have arrived. Is it for a tax issue?

Las relocations that have been produced by taxes are due to individual assets. The massive flight of large and medium-sized companies, on the other hand, was not due to the tax issue, it was due to the ‘process‘.

If they removed the wealth tax, would those companies return?

Probably the assets of the natural persons who relocated would return. Now, if this tax were abolished, it would favor the undertaking of new businesses and the arrival of international investments linked to innovation. Many of them focused on the ‘start-ups‘, which will later become the unicorns [empresa valorada en más de 1.000 millones de dólares] of tomorrow

Do you think that the PP promotes a tax war between autonomies?

The PP What he is doing is legitimately complying with his electoral program by applying the law, which allows it. The Government of Catalonia should do the same: eliminate all those taxes that are confiscatory and promote the relocationnot of companies, but of individual assets.

Another tax that the Government is considering is an extraordinary tax on large fortunes

In the absence of knowing the details, we consider this extraordinary tax on large fortunes an attempt against the article 31.1 of the Constitution because it would be a tax confiscatory. In addition, I understand that in serious times like the ones the Spanish economy is going through, it is irresponsible. It is not going in the direction of competitive taxation.

“I will support Garamendi or another candidate once I know their electoral programs”

This past week Antonio Garamendi confirmed that he is running to repeat as president of the CEOE. Will he support you?

At Foment we will make the decision to support the candidate, Garamendi and others that can be presented, once we know their electoral programs. We are the most important branch of the CEOE and what we would like in the future is more debate and more participation in decision-making. Especially in the real problems that affect the productive economy of companies. We will make a decision at our board of directors next november.

Will there be an alternative candidate?

We are not aware, no one has approached us to ask for our support.

Whoever wins will have to manage the current price crisis, in which wages are far behind inflation. Which leaves one of the worst off…

Companies are also being affected, in 2021 they declared 100,000 million less profits than in 2019.

The Bank of Spain points out that half of the companies have lost profit margins, but the other half have increased them.

Some companies in particular will have increased their Benefitsbut they will also have paid their taxes, VAT, Social Security, corporate tax… Making profits is the objective of companies and their shareholders.

“We agree with taxing the extra benefits that certain energy companies have obtained”

Like those in the energy sector.

We were radically against the Government raising a tax on the income of companies in the sector energetic o to bank. Because he raised it on sales, not on profits. We agree that it should be taxed in some way windfall benefits that certain energy companies have obtained for the increase in prices derived from the war, so that they revert to consumers and companies.

How do you propose to distribute the costs of inflation?

The President of the Government must lead the income pact and include the salary of the officialslas pensions or the minimum salary, which has to go up. The Administration must make sacrifices, as employers and workers are already doing, and transfer resources to the most vulnerable families and companies.

What consequences do you predict if they do not reach that income agreement?

We would not be able to control inflation and that would cause imbalances, harming the investments and the maintenance of Job positionslas inequalities would go more every day and this would cause a great social fracture, as happened in the previous crisis. That we entrepreneurs say it has a lot of value, we are part of the solution, we have a social soul.

“We have to choose between the expansion of the airport being in El Prat or in Barajas”

One of his priorities for his new mandate is to recover the expansion of the airport.

We have to choose between enlarging the airport of Barcelona be done in The field or in Barajas. Barcelona’s connectivity with the world is essential. The Commission [creada por Foment] It already has three projects that contemplate expansion and do so while respecting the environment.

Do you think that the extension would be more feasible if Colau does not win the elections?

Whoever wins the elections wins, I think the expansion of El Prat will be done. Besides, who decides is the Generalitat. The objective of the Commission is to seek the complicity of all public administrations, including town halls.

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Are you worried about the continuity of the Government?

When the current Government was formed, we were satisfied because we convinced ourselves that there would be a Government for four years. And that is important because it allows companies to plan in the medium term. Now we see that the partners discuss and this can end in a rupture… We demand that the ‘president’ of the Generalitat be supported and that the partners think in terms of the country and not partisan. And think that very difficult times are coming and that if decisions are not made due to lack of government, SMEs, the self-employed and families will suffer more.

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