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by time news

The sensational incident between the police and a reckless private car driver continues to stir controversy among the pioneers of social networking sites in Egypt, while the Public Prosecution issued several decisions regarding this issue.

According to local media, the Public Prosecutor ordered the referral of the 47-year-old driver, who works at a university, to the competent criminal court on charges of drug use and driving his vehicle under her influence recklessly on the Cairo-Suez road.

And the social networking sites had posted a video clip showing that man driving his car dangerously on the highway with his car door open.

Subsequently, the driver of one of the trucks hit him from behind with the intention of stopping him, but the latter partially lost control of his car to swerve to the right before re-controlling it to catch up with the truck that hit him.

After a fight with the truck driver, the reckless driver managed to escape from the police chase, escape from an ambush and overtake him, until other drivers were able to stop him and beat him severely until a police patrol came and arrested him.

And the Public Prosecution announced later in a statement that it “has established evidence before the accused from what she saw from video clips that were monitored on social media, which recorded the accused driving his car on the public road recklessly and without precaution, which endangered people’s lives.”

The statement pointed out that the chemical laboratory report proved that the accused had used drugs while driving his car through the samples taken from him.

The Public Prosecution also ordered that the truck driver be referred to the judiciary after it was proven that he had hit the other driver’s car, thus endangering the lives of others.

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