Walking man… I don’t think India can catch up with you

by time news

Walking is the best way to go more slowly than any other method that has ever been found.

There is a short film called Walker. A short Japanese film directed by Tsai Ming Liang. It was produced by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society in 2012. There is nothing special about the movie. A Buddhist monk walks the streets of Hong Kong with a pineapple burger in one hand and water in the other. The ascetic’s walk is so slow through that busy street. Slowly but surely, taking each step very, very slowly, raising, lowering slowly, firming slowly, and so on. All around, the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong’s life rushes on like lightning. A great vision of life presented in a minute or two will thrill us like a revelation. Sannyasi walks so slowly and walks and walks… That’s all there is to that brilliant movie experience.

Walking is a philosophy. and ideology. Buddha was walking down. Buddha often walked very fast. Sometimes, so slowly. Mahatma Gandhi was a Brahmin who was a Buddha at heart. Gandhi was also walking. Walking is a way to the soul of India. Walking is also a form of spiritual activity. Walking is not a good form of exercise, despite what many doctors advise. It does not significantly strengthen or enlarge the muscles. As exercise, it is only a means of survival. If all else fails…

Rahul Gandhi had many different methods. He could reach ten times as many places and people as he can now with a national tour in an open vehicle or motorbike. If it’s on a bike, sometimes it’s even a Nugen trip! As Che Guevara roamed in the past! In particular, Rahul Gandhi is a political leader who is in the situation of .. and miles to go before. Then Rahul decided to walk. Nor does contemporary national politics seem to think that the walk called Bharat Jodo Yatra is a big event. It remains to be seen whether such a thing can lead to a significant political breakthrough elsewhere, apart from the fact that it may create an awakening where that party is strong. Still, Rahul decided to walk.

Rahul Gandhi does not have a great track record as a political leader. Not from the positions that can be obtained, but from the positions that have been obtained. Every time he was mocked as a young king by those dying on royal thrones, he revealed the conviction in his soul that he was a common Indian, a mere human being. But no matter what Rahul Gandhi does, the Indian people will continue to look forward to it. Because that man has personal experience of seeing his own father and grandmother torn apart for a country. Appreciation of the individual has been the pattern of the Indian public mind for millennia.

Nietzsche said that one should not believe in anything that is not achieved through a spontaneous walk. Nietzsche’s method was to write notes while walking for hours. It has been said that while Nietzsche walked for work, Immanuel Kant walked for liberation. Kant’s rigorous approach is popularly known as the Philosopher’s Walk. Even if we try to look at the actions of political leaders with philosophical dimensions, there will be ridicule. will be trolled.

Perhaps there is no other leader in India’s history so far who has been ridiculed as much as Rahul Gandhi. On the other hand, not even once, a word spoken or a deed is not responsible for what came from him. Not out of greed or indifference. We are just kidding you. Where does that sarcasm come from! From our minds, where there is a strong conviction that a political leader needs all the things that are necessary for a political leader, such as malice, slyness, harshness, stubbornness, unwillingness to tell any lie, and dictatorial arrogance. Yes, good men are not fit to be our leaders. To be more precise, we are not the people for good leaders.

Rahul has never dared to interfere with the methods of science and humanity put forward by modernity. That is why he does not seem to have the thorn to pick the thorn in today’s Indian politics. Politicians will also say that politics is not for good people. The greatness of the modern age is not to have goodness in the mind, but to do deeds for success. It doesn’t matter how you win. Dharma is victory. It is not easy for a slow walker to advance among fast runners.

He who gives up and renounces among those who fight for victory by killing a stone and telling half-truths and falsehoods may not get the top seat. Sorry Mr. Rahul Gandhi, I don’t think India can come with you. Because you’re just walking. It has never been said that advancing is a goal. Buddha’s child was also named Rahula. Rahulan, who became a Sramana, quickly reached the rank of Arhat. Sorry Mr Rahul Gandhi. India seems to have a long way to go to reach someone like you…

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