Bayou case: his lawyer deplores a “regime of suspicion” and affirms that no violence was exercised

by time news

Julien Bayou would be “cornered humanely”, according to the words of his lawyer. A man victim of the “regime of suspicion”. Since the accusations of psychological violence were brought against him by Sandrine Rousseau, who says he has received the agreement of the one who claims to be his victim, Julien Bayou had until then been content to express himself by means of a press release. hurry. This is how, for example, he announced this Monday morning his decision to resign as national secretary of the party, a position he had held since 2019.

Sandrine Rousseau, let’s remember, had let it be known last week on France 5 that she had received at her home an “ex-companion” of Julien Bayou, in a “very depressed” state. She then allegedly “made a suicide attempt because she was so badly”. The deputy had added “that they are obviously several” to be concerned by these behaviors, and that a “journalistic investigation” would be in progress.

“No psychological violence”

This Monday afternoon, Julien Bayou’s lawyer, Maître Marie Dosé, appeared in front of the camera to defend her client. “Julien Bayou separated from his companion in November 2021”, explains Marie Dosé, who confirms that his ex-companion was in a fragile psychological state. She adds that the latter adopted a “fluctuating behavior” during their separation and that Julien Bayou has “never exercised psychological, physical, sexual violence or harassment”.

It was then that the internal cell of the EELV party was seized. On four occasions, Julien Bayou would have asked to be heard by the latter, which had been refused to him, affirms Marie Dosé. Sandrine Rousseau would have told him “to have carried out his investigation” and to have found nothing illegal, continues the lawyer. “Julien Bayou is presumed guilty of charges of which he knows nothing and which he cannot defend himself”, she continues. “While the cell investigates or not, the blackmail, rumours, misinformation and blackmail continue.”

For Marie Dosé, this debate is polluted by political interests, with the approach of the future EELV congress. “Julien Bayou resigned from his internal functions in the party to ensure his defense and to be able to express himself freely. He does this because he realizes that the instrumentalization of his suffering is capable of taking away everything in its path”.

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