Recruitment, prison places… the government wants to increase the justice budget by 8% in 2023

by time news

It is one of the branches that emerges as a winner from the 2023 budget. The resources allocated to justice will be up by 8% next year, “for the third consecutive year”, according to the finance bill, unveiled this Monday. This corresponds to an increase of 710 million euros compared to 2022 to reach 9.57 billion euros, according to Bercy’s budget documents.

This amount, the order of magnitude of which was already known, is absorbed primarily by the prison administration (41%), before the judicial justice system (35%) and the judicial protection of youth (10%).

These resources will be used in particular to continue “the judicial and prison real estate programs”, details the document presenting the finance bill. In 2017, Emmanuel Macron pledged to build 15,000 additional prison places. By the end of its first five-year term, 7,000 were delivered or under construction. In 2023, out of a total envelope of 973 million euros dedicated to real estate investments, two thirds (651 million euros) will be devoted to the prison administration, “in particular in order to continue the implementation” of this plan, details the document.

Recruitment planned for the next few years

On the recruitment side, the government plans to create 2,253 full-time equivalent jobs in 2023. Over the period 2023-2027, just over 10,000 positions “will strengthen the workforce of the public service of justice”, with in particular “1 500 additional recruitments of magistrates, as well as 1,500 clerks (…) in line with the recommendations of the report on the Estates General of Justice”.

During the campaign for the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron, re-elected as President of the Republic in April 2022, announced “8,500 additional magistrates and justice personnel” during the five-year term.

VIDEO. Finance bill for 2023: “France is close to the euro”, warns Bruno Le Maire

In addition, 195 million euros will be earmarked for the “digital transformation” of the ministry’s services.

At the beginning of July, the report of the Estates General of Justice had drawn up the severe observation of “the state of advanced disrepair” of French justice, described as an institution “on the verge of rupture”. After new consultations in recent weeks, the Keeper of the Seals, Éric Dupond-Moretti, must present “in October” an “action plan” containing the measures adopted.

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