Hebrew News – At least they are united in this: Putin and Biden

by time news

At least in this they are united: Putin and Biden – sent heartfelt ‘Happy New Year’ greetings, Zelensky? silence! A collection of best wishes from world leaders

Putin sent a warm greeting, Biden spoke about the end of the epidemic, and the president of Azerbaijan praised the deep connection of the Jews to his country – Zelensky? We haven’t heard from him yet

The presidentVladimir PutinHe congratulated Russian Jews on Rosh Hashanah and praised the role of Jewish organizations in maintaining inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue in Russia.

Putin noted that Rosh Hashanah symbolizes the aspiration of humans to achieve spiritual purity and self-improvement

“It is important that Jewish organizations in Russia have great respect for the precious spiritual, historical and cultural heritage of their ancestors and to introduce young people to paternal traditions and customs,” said President Putin, adding: “Their active participation in public life, in the implementation of important social and charitable initiatives, in maintaining inter-ethnic dialogue and between Deti Bona in our country deserve the most sincere recognition”.

President of AzerbaijanIlham Elievblessed the Jewish community on Rosh Hashanah and said:

“The Jewish community in Azerbaijan, a country where there is an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust between different peoples and religions, sees this place as their homeland. You have been living in Azerbaijan in peace and tranquility for centuries, preserving your unique traditions, language and culture, and you have never faced Antisemitism and discrimination”.

He continued: “The promotion of multicultural values, principles of tolerance and diversity of cultural self-expression, which have existed in our country for hundreds of years, characterize our country.”

According to Aliyev, “It is worthy of praise that our compatriots of Jewish origin, as an integral part of our society, participate closely in the major construction works in our country together with representatives of other nations and religions, spare no effort for the development and progress of modern Azerbaijan, and honorably fulfill their civic duty in strengthening another of our country’s independence.”

He further added: “Rosh Hashanah embodies the feelings of innovation, spiritual purity, kindness and solidarity. May this bright holiday bring happiness to your families and blessings to your tables.”

President of the USAB. J. BidenHe said: “Just as people can ask for renewal, so can countries. The past year has seen encouraging progress for our nation. More Americans are securing the dignity of good-paying work. Fewer children are living in poverty, and since the corona virus is no longer the same threat, families can once again gather around the Rosh Hashanah dinner table and sitting together in the synagogues”.

“Jill and I offer our warmest wishes to everyone celebrating Rosh Hashanah in the United States, Israel and around the world. May your prayers be heard and your faith renewed – and may we all be engraved in the book of life. ‏Shana is good”.

Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs of Australia,Andrew Giles‏, issued a statement saying: “I send my best wishes to the Jewish-Australian community as you join the Jewish community around the world in celebrating the Jewish Rosh Hashanah.”

“Rosh Hashanah is a special time of celebration for Jewish Australians to gather for prayer, hear the sounds of the Shofar, and share challah and apples dipped in honey in the hope of a good and sweet New Year. May the coming days be one of reflection on the past year and a celebration of the opportunities and personal growth that a new year brings.” .

“Our diversity is what unites us as a society and I take this opportunity to recognize the contribution, hard work and dedication of more than 100,000 Jewish Australians who contribute to the successes of our culturally diverse nation. As you gather to celebrate, I wish you all a peaceful and happy New Year. Shana is good and sweet!”

Israel’s prime ministerYair LapidHe offered his wishes for the New Year to world Jewry:

“To our Jewish family all over the world – Happy New Year, Happy New Year! My hope for the Jewish people this year is that we remember that we are one family.
It doesn’t matter if you are orthodox, secular, reformed or conservative. It doesn’t matter which synagogue you pray in, or if you pray at all. ,
It doesn’t matter where you were born, or what language you speak. We are one people, with one common story, with one common homeland. We need to focus on what unites us, and know how to talk about the things we disagree on. This is what a family does. This year, let’s write the next chapter in our story: a chapter of unity. From here in Jerusalem, on behalf of myself and the government of Israel, I want to wish you all, and your loved ones, a Happy New Year – a Happy New Year.”

Meanwhile, the president of UkraineVolodymyr ZelenskyOn Friday he attacked Israel’s reluctance to arm its country against the Russians.

(And if he did send a more positive message for Rosh Hashanah, we haven’t seen it yet.)

“I’m shocked. I didn’t understand what happened to Israel,” Zelensky told TV5Monde.

“I don’t understand why they can’t supply us with anti-aircraft weapons. Israel didn’t supply us with anything. Nothing. Zero! I don’t blame the leaders. I’m stating the facts: there were discussions with Israeli leaders, and it didn’t help Ukraine,” he complained.

He then stated: “We can see Russia’s influence on Israel”.

Perhaps this is the reason that as of now we have not heard from the Jewish president a Happy New Year greeting?.

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