Ukraine, Zelensky: “For Russia, soldiers are cannon fodder”

by time news

“Russia pushes its soldiers to death. The mobilization is only to provide cannon fodder for the commanders.” Volodymyr Zelensky, president of Ukraine, in the usual evening message entrusted to Telegram returns to express himself on the mobilization ordered by Vladimir Putin: Russia aims to recall at least 300,000 reservists for the war against Kiev. “Despite the obvious nonsense of the war for Russia and the loss of initiative of the invaders, the command of the Russian army is still pushing” the soldiers “to their deaths. The continued attempts of the Russian offensive in the Donetsk region will certainly go down in history. of wars as one of the most cynical murders of their own soldiers, “says Zelensky.

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“When we see all of this, when we see these attacks, we realize once again that the Russian mobilization is a simple attempt to provide commanders on the ground with a steady stream of ‘cannon fodder.’ There is simply no other meaning. in the Russian mobilization “, he says again.

According to Zelensky, the Russians “realized they would lose and are simply trying to delay this moment, to ensure at least some activity at the front, to replace the dead soldiers with someone who has a weapon in hand”. The Ukrainian president is confident in the reaction of the people beyond the border: “Unfortunately, Russian society is not yet aware of all the brutality of the Russian government towards its own people. We must do everything to ensure that every Russian citizen recognizes that their own the state is depriving him of the most important thing: the right to life “.

US SANCTIONS – “We are prepared to impose new, fast and severe economic costs on Russia, together with our allies and partners, in response to the actions we are witnessing, if they go ahead with the annexation.” Thus the White House spokeswoman, Karine Jean-Pierre, reiterated that Washington “will never recognize” the occupied territories “or any other part of Ukraine” following the ‘farce referendums “, which are a” flagrant violation of international law. “.

“You will hear more about this in the coming days,” he added, suggesting an upcoming announcement of new sanctions.

FINLAND – The number of Russian citizens who entered Finland by land has doubled compared to a week ago, before Putin ordered partial mobilization for the war in Ukraine. This was announced by the Finnish Border Guard, according to which 8,314 Russians entered yesterday, double compared to last Sunday. If we also count on Saturday, the Russians entered by land were 16,886 and “many of these are in transit to other countries”.

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