Loneliness and sadness accelerate aging

by time news

Although time passes the same for everyone, not everyone ages at the same rate. For decades now, the scientific community has been investigating what factors speed up the molecular clock of our cells and, in this way, cause premature aging. According to several studies, the fact suffer from one or more chronic diseases is one of the main drivers of this phenomenon. There are also habits, such as stress or the consumption of alcoholic beverages, that contribute to aging faster. But that is not all. New research suggests sadness and loneliness could be two big aging accelerators.

The study, published this Tuesday in a specialized scientific journal, has analyzed the (true) biological clock almost 12,000 adult individuals based on a series of biometric data (such as blood markers) and an artificial intelligence algorithm. The analysis confirms that cellular aging is accelerated in people who have suffered cardiovascular problems, liver diseases y pulmonaryas well as in smokers. Likewise, the research also suggests some relationship between premature aging and “a state of vulnerable mental health”.

“Feeling lonely and unhappy ages more than smoking”

One of the most striking conclusions of this work is that “feeling alone and unhappy ages more than smoking“. According to the data collected by this analysis, smoking adds 1.25 years to the chronological age of individuals, while poor mental health add 1.6 more years regarding what marks the date of birth. To explain the reason for this phenomenon, the scientific team in charge of the study recalls that “the mental and psychosocial state of individuals are some of the most important predictors for health and quality of life“, as emphasized Manuel Fariaa researcher at Stanford University and one of the lead authors of the study.

Some indicators of “mental and social health” analyzed in this study suggest that, for example, feeling unhappy adds up to 0.35 years to biological age while a good sleep pattern subtracts 0.44 years. Other very illustrative example, also collected in the study, is the case of how marriages can ‘delay’ aging. The analysis suggests that married people are 0.6 years younger than their single peers. And that widows are about 0.3 years older than their chronological age. This, according to the researchers, could be due not so much to merely biological factors but to “material and emotional supportWhat a partner brings throughout life.

unknowns to clear

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The fact that loneliness and sadness can be a factor in premature aging remains, for now, in the field of hypotheses. According to the researcher Manel Esteller, this conclusion is “interesting“a la par que “controversial”. The scientist, in statements to this newspaper, highlights that the research points to the phenomenon but fails to explain the exact molecular mechanisms by which these psychological factors could influence the premature aging of individuals.

Esteller also points to several methodological limitations of the study. For example, to the fact that the research only based on chinese population or lack of access to the computer model used for the analysis. “Finally, it should also be noted that the article is originated by a private company and therefore there could be possible economic biases in its development and results”, highlights the ICREA researcher and professor of genetics at the University of Barcelona.

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