Often stressed? Read these 6 tips from stress-free people

by time news

Lengthy to-do lists, overflowing agendas and always feeling rushed. Do you want a life with less stress? Then check out these secrets from the experts.

This is how you learn from stress-free people.

6 secrets of stress-free people

1. Don’t take life too seriously

People with little stress are a star at putting things into perspective. They see their problems in perspective and don’t worry about small things. Like the train being delayed by a few minutes, a flat tire or a stain in their favorite pants.

Do you find it difficult to look at life a little more lightly? Then ask yourself the following questions: “Is it really as important as I think it is?” and ‘Is there any benefit to worrying about this?’ Chances are the answer is always ‘no’.

2. Make everything just a little slower

People who don’t feel stressed easily often have one thing in common: they do everything at their own pace. From walking to eating. They see no point in rushing and daring to slow down. Doing everything just a little slower has many advantages. Not only do you feel less pressured, you also enjoy everything you do more.

3. Don’t collect more stuff than necessary

Less stuff gives you more peace of mind. You have to tidy up and clean less, so you have more time for the things that are important to you. You also feel much more relaxed in a house where not everything is packed together and all kinds of things are lying around.

A quick way to minimize it is to ask yourself if you’ve ever used it in the past year. If not, you can give it away or throw it away. You put the doubtful cases in a box with the date written on it. Check it again after a few months.

4. Make room to do nothing

Many people find it difficult to do nothing. Not surprising, because we tend to fill up all the idle time with our phone. This leaves little time for daydreaming and musing. Time to do nothing is just so important. It helps you relax, creates “aha” moments and makes you more creative. Allow yourself at least ten minutes of nothing every day. Put your phone down and stare out.

5. Being present in the moment

Stress almost always has to do with later or earlier. The secret of people with little stress is that they are as little as possible concerned with the past or the future, but live in the now.

Do you also want to be more present in the moment? Then, during the day, call yourself back to the moment by focusing on the sounds, smells and colors around you. Practice makes perfect.

6. Do one thing at a time

Our brain can only focus on one thing at a time. That’s why multitasking is stressful. From now on, resolve to do one thing at a time with full concentration and then move on to the next. Not only do you feel less stressed by monotasking, you are also a lot more productive and pay more attention to your environment. Nice bonus.

Stress under the microscope: what happens in our brain when we are under stress?

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For those who often have too much stress: 6 secrets of stress-free people

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