Olivier Faure pleads for a “code of ethics” on sexist and sexual violence

by time news

While the political return of the left is shaken by the Quatennens and Bayou cases, Olivier Faure goes there with his proposal on sexist and sexual violence. The first secretary of the PS thus said he was in favor on Tuesday of the creation of a “common code of ethics” for the left-wing parties on this question, at the end of a back-to-school seminar for the deputies of the Nupes.

“We are going to work together, and I am in favor of the idea of ​​a common code of ethics, in favor of the idea that the left gives itself some guidelines”, he declared to the press, after this meeting organized at the National Assembly.

The parties do not always know how to respond

“We have, beyond what justice can say, values ​​to assert,” said the first secretary. According to him, the parties are “in a situation where we do not always know how to respond, because we have not anticipated these questions, at least not in this way”.

“We are discussing, we are working”, declared for her part the leader of the LFI deputies Mathilde Panot, the main component of Nupes. “We did not speak of nominative cases, we are rather in reflection to know what tools we are acquiring to be up to the situation”.

The “unworthy” reform of unemployment insurance

During this seminar of the Nupes (LFI, PS, PCF and EELV), the deputies also took stock of their common fights for the start of the parliamentary term, hammering home their opposition to the “unworthy” reform of unemployment insurance wanted by the government and the budgetary texts unveiled on Monday. They must present, “next week” according to Olivier Faure, a budget counter-project, in which their proposal for a taxation of the “superprofits” made by certain companies must feature prominently.

Mathilde Panot also described as “absolutely unbearable” the possibility that the government would reform pensions via an amendment to the Social Security budget. “It is a red line against which we will use all parliamentary means,” she said.

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