Don’t be stubborn – Dinamani

by time news

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Russia’s attacks on Ukraine have been ongoing for over two hundred days. It is clear that Ukraine has suffered the most losses from the war.
Various structures of Ukraine such as educational institutions, residences, industries, hospitals have also been destroyed by the bombings of Russian forces. The loss of life of soldiers and civilians has also been significant.
At the same time, reports say that tens of thousands of people have been killed and maimed on the Russian side. Some of the Russian soldiers have surrendered to the Ukrainian army.
Reports circulated in the media that many Russian citizens were reluctant to attack Ukraine, a former part of the Soviet Union, and that even Russian troops were reluctant to go to war with Ukraine.
However, the reality is that Russia, a superpower with nuclear weapons, has not achieved the success it expected in this war with Ukraine.
Not only this, the US and many of its allies have taken various measures to cripple Russia economically. The Russian economy has suffered a major setback as those countries have stopped importing petroleum products from Russia.
Russia has been excluded from world-class sporting organizations due to the war over Ukraine. Also, the fact that the Russian president was not invited to attend the funeral of the recently deceased Queen Elizabeth II shows that no one wants Russia’s hegemony over Ukraine.
Thus, it must be said that the actions of Russian President Putin have met with failure in many areas such as the Ukraine front, economy, international relations, and the support of native citizens.
In addition, Russian forces stationed near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine and occasional missile launches have increased the chances of a nuclear leak.
Moreover, Russian President Putin, who believes that western countries are an obstacle to his victory over Ukraine, has announced that he is ready for a nuclear war to ensure the security of his country, which has made the world nervous. UN Various world leaders including the Secretary General of the Council have also condemned this. However, Russian President Putin ignores all these criticisms and continues to intensify the war in Ukraine.
There are reports that ex-convicts are being trained in weapons and sent to the front line to increase the strength of Russian forces fighting in Ukraine. The culprits will be given amnesty by the president and a salary of one lakh rupees per month.
It didn’t stop there. The country’s administration also announced that ten million Russians who are physically fit to fight will be conscripted into military service. After that, tens of thousands of Russian men who did not want to fight in the war began to travel by plane to foreign countries where they could go without a visa. Following this, an order has been issued not to issue air tickets to Russian males up to sixty-five years of age.
The news says that thousands of Russian citizens in cars and vans are going towards the neighboring countries including Georgia, saying that if there is no plane, we will go to our neighboring countries by road, and the Russian administration is trying to stop them from leaving Russia.
Beyond all these, there is no doubt that Russian President Putin’s open declaration that Russian soldiers who surrender instead of fighting with Ukrainian soldiers will be punished severely will be severely punished.
Whatever the reason, Russia appears to be unable to back down after launching a war on Ukraine without proper forethought. Moreover, it has become isolated among the countries of the world due to irresponsible threats of using nuclear weapons.
In such a context, Russia should immediately abandon its view of conquering Ukraine as a matter of honor and withdraw its forces. Also, he should generously offer to help rebuild the war-torn Ukraine.
There is no doubt that if Russian President Putin has the clarity of thought and courage to carry out these two measures, the whole world will welcome and celebrate it.

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