An American citizen was killed by IRGC drone attacks

by time news

An American citizen, was killed in the missile and drone attacks of the Revolutionary Guards against positions of Kurdish groups opposed to Iran in Iraqi Kurdistan. Mahmoudzadeh has lived in the United States since the 1990s. His passport photo has been released

At least 13 dead and another 60 wounded after Iranian attacks in the Kurdistan region of Iraq last yesterday (Wednesday), the official Iraqi news agency reported.

The Iran International TV channel reported that a US citizen named Omar Mahmoudzadeh was killed in the missile and drone attacks of the Revolutionary Guards against positions of Kurdish groups opposed to Iran in Iraqi Kurdistan. Mahmoudzadeh has lived in the US since the 1990s. A photo of the passport of Omar Mahmoudzadeh who was killed was published on the channel’s Twitter account.

Yesterday, the official news agency in Iraq reported that Katyushas landed near the parliament building in the capital, Baghdad. The security forces said that soldiers were injured, and there were also clashes between protesters and the security forces against the background of the holding of the first parliament session in months, and in some reports it was stated that gunshots were heard on the spot. As you may recall, the activities of the parliament were shut down following the armed clashes that took place in the region in recent months and against the background of the political crisis experienced by the country since the last elections.

The passport photo of the citizen who was killed

The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Iran’s ambassador to the country was summoned for an urgent investigation and was given a “strong protest message” following the attacks on the Kurdistan region. In recent days, headquarters of parties that support, among other things, Kurdish independence have been attacked in the border area between Iran and Iraq.

The British Foreign Office condemned the attacks by the Revolutionary Guards on the Kurdistan region and said: “Iran needs to stop the indiscriminate bombing of Kurdish cities, which leads to the loss of innocent lives and damage to civilian infrastructure.” At the same time, the Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan region announced that all hospitals in the region are on full alert.

The Revolutionary Guards confirmed that they attacked the positions of the Iranian Kurdish parties in the Kurdistan region of Iraq using missiles and drones.

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