NWO | New KIC call for research into biodiversity and biotic stress in food

by time news

Dutch production systems on land and water are among the most productive in the world, partly due to the cultivation of a limited number of crops in monocultures and extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides. However, these methods also cause depleted soil life, a decrease in natural pest control agents and a decrease in the quality of nature around fields or in the water.

This decrease in biodiversity in production systems poses a threat to both individual companies and the Dutch production system as a whole, partly because of the reduced resilience to biotic stress. This is stress from living organisms. For example, phytophages, herbivores such as thrips or pest bugs, are more likely to cause damage to crops and such systems are less resistant to fungi, bacteria or viruses. Increasing biodiversity is essential to keep Dutch production resilient and resilient.

Purpose of the call

The Mission-driven KIC call Biodiversity and biotic stress in primary production systems focuses on generating knowledge about how the integration of more biodiversity can counteract biotic stress in production systems. The methods used should substantially increase biodiversity, taking into account both the production system itself and the surrounding nature. Essential questions are what such a system would look like and what the transformation will require on an economic and social level. It is important that there is a systemic approach at company, regional and/or chain level.

Research in the field of production systems and biodiversity is not yet well developed. In particular, more needs to be known about the translation of ecological knowledge about biodiversity and biotic stress into applicability in the production system. Also, knowledge about natural enemies and natural pollinators is not yet sufficient for broad applicability in integrated cultivation systems. In addition to the technical implementation, the social context of regulations and economic aspects also require attention.

Research topics

The call focuses on the following three research topics:

  • production systems with more diversity
  • the effect of production system adaptations on biotic stress
  • social context and implementation

This call connects the top sectors Agri & Food, Horticulture and Propagation Materials and Water & Maritime, within the mission of the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) Agriculture, Water, Food.

Interdisciplinary collaboration

When technological and social innovation go hand in hand, successful innovations arise. Successful implementation of new production methods in society requires awareness, acceptance and support. There are questions about how support can be increased, what a new production system means for producers’ income and how legislation and regulations can stimulate new systems. This requires knowledge of the social, administrative and economic aspects that are important within such a transition. This call therefore focuses on an interdisciplinary approach, in which biological, ecological, agronomic and/or technological research is integrated with research from the social sciences and humanities. Humanities, sciences and social sciences researchers work together in consortia and approach an issue from different disciplines.


The available budget for this call is EUR 5 million. A minimum of 1.2 million euros and a maximum of 1.6 million euros can be applied for per project. With this, NWO will finance a maximum of 70 percent of the total project size; the rest of the budget must be contributed by compulsory co-financing. This may be delivered entirely in-cash or entirely in-kind. At least 50 percent of the total co-financing must be of private origin. The maximum duration of the proposed project is 5 years.

Deadline a matchmaking

The deadline for submitting preproposals is January 17, 2023. The deadline for submitting full proposals is July 6, 2023. In the period prior to the deadline for submitting an application, NWO will organize a matchmaking meeting. This will take place on November 10, 2022. More information will follow on NWO.nl.

Knowledge and Innovation Covenant (KIC)

The NWO research program KIC stands for groundbreaking innovative solutions with social and economic impact. Companies, knowledge institutions and governments invest together in the commercial application of knowledge in order to tackle major societal challenges with smart technologies. This is how we secure jobs and income in the future. This is laid down in the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant (KIC) 2020-2023, which is in line with the mission-driven top sectors and innovation policy of the national government. NWO brings companies and knowledge institutions together and finances groundbreaking research based on their innovative, impactful research proposals.

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