Doctor is said to have issued false corona certificates

by time news

PThe police and public prosecutor’s office in Dresden are investigating a doctor from Saxony who is said to have issued false corona certificates for money nationwide. The investigators announced on Friday in Dresden that it was about a large number of cases after they had searched 84 objects on Thursday. 71 of these are in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, four in Saxony and nine more in Brandenburg, Lower Saxony, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. According to the investigators, since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, the woman is said to have issued certificates of convenience on a commercial basis, in which patients were wrongly certified that wearing protective masks was harmful to them, that there was an unlimited ban on all vaccinations and that corona tests were carried out medical reasons are only possible with the help of saliva samples.

The doctor often issued the certificates at collective appointments every minute, asking 25 euros per certificate. In total, she has achieved income of at least 60,000 euros. The investigators had already searched the doctor’s living and business premises in March. In doing so, they came across a nationwide network. For example, the accused worked with naturopaths and funeral homes, who not only made their rooms available to her for the award of certificates in return for a share of the profits, but also organized the appointments in advance and forwarded orders.

Due to the ever-increasing extent of the allegations, the Dresden police department has set up its own investigation group “Certificates” with currently seven officers. According to the announcement, these are now also taking care of the holders of the certificates who are being investigated for inciting the issuing of false health certificates, as well as those directly involved who are accused of aiding and abetting the issuing of false certificates. Investigations are also being carried out against four employees of the Saxony police, who also had false certificates issued.

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