Restaurant vouchers, real estate rates, overtime… What changes on October 1st

by time news
The daily ceiling for restaurant tickets rises from 19 to 25 euros from Saturday. OceanProd /

Raising the daily ceiling for restaurant tickets, reassessment of the wear rate, deduction of employer contributions thanks to overtime: what will change for the French from this Saturday?

A few weeks after the vote and the debates around the purchasing power bill in parliament, the first measures are beginning to come into effect. Le Figaro takes stock of the novelties of this October 1st.

Restaurant tickets with extended rules of use

While the daily ceiling for restaurant tickets had risen to 38 euros during the health crisis to further modulate its use, it had returned to a pre-Covid level. Namely 19 euros since July 1, 2022. But faced with the discontent of employees, the maximum amount of expenses will be raised to 25 euros per day from October 1 in restaurants or supermarkets. “In these difficult times for our compatriots, I want to make life less expensive“, had then specified the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire on BFMTV two months ago. Taking up in fact a proposal from deputies LR, PS and EELV. In addition, the law on purchasing power has extended the use of restaurant tickets in supermarkets since August: it is now possible to buy non-consumable food products immediately. However, it will still no longer be allowed to use restaurant tickets on weekends or on public holidays.

Increase in the usury rate for mortgages

The usury rate – the minimum threshold at which banks have the right to lend money – will experience an increase from Saturday. For the moment, the latter, reassessed every quarter, is 2.57% for loans over 20 years old and 2.60% for those under 20 years old. From October 1, it will be 3.05%, with the aim of reviving the real estate market while many files are blocked. “This will allow, in compliance with the law, to resolve the more difficult situations of access to credit identified in recent weeks”, says the Bank of France. To do this, it takes into account the rates charged by the banks for the last three months, increased by a third. Faced with rising interest rates and inflation, many banks are setting higher rates. This often blocks the loan process.

Installation of the prevention passport

As of Saturday, the prevention passport will be put in place to “strengthening occupational health prevention”. The one “will bring together the certificates, certificates and diplomas obtained by the employee in terms of health and safety at work”, according to the government website Which specifies: “Job seekers can, in the same way as employees, benefit from this prevention passport. The employer can consult the prevention passport of his employee, if the latter authorizes it, for the purposes of monitoring obligations in terms of health and safety training. Finally, it should be noted that these achievements can be entered in this “passport” by the employer, the training organizations or even the employee.

Compulsory technical control…or not for two-wheelers

For owners of two-wheelers or four-wheelers without a license, technical control should have been compulsory from October 1. While the executive had issued a decree to this effect in the summer of 2021, Emmanuel Macron had refused this option and suspended the latter. After a standoff with the Council of State, following the cancellation of the decree in the summer of 2022, which urged the government to apply the provision, the Ministry of Transport explained to Ouest-France that it had taken “alternative measures”. In particular a reform of the driving license, the improvement of the infrastructures or the experimentation of sound radars.

Flat-rate employer deduction for overtime

As of October 1, the overtime worked and the days of rest “given” to the employer will trigger a flat-rate reduction in employer contributions. Measure resulting from the bill on purchasing power, it will apply to companies with between 20 and 249 employees and will be 1.50 euros per overtime. Until now, only employers with less than 20 employees had access to it.

READ ALSO – Bruno Le Maire announces that “inflation will remain at a high level” in the coming months, “around 6%”

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