the lessons of a hot summer

by time news
From January to mid-September, more than 65,000 hectares of forests burned in France. PHOTOPQR/L’EST REPUBLICAIN/MAXPP

FIGARO TOMORROW – The disasters of July and August acted as an electric shock and should push the State, companies and local authorities to really work in favor of the environment.

An unprecedented drought, devastating fires, water shortages, energy prices at unprecedented levels… and the official announcement of the “end of abundance” by Emanuel Macron. Loaded, will the summer of 2022 have convinced the French that the resources of the planet have limits and that action must be taken to curb climate change? Or will it have no more effect than the fires that hit Australia in 2019 and 2020, the heat dome that dried up Canada in July, or the rain that fell on the ice cap at 3000 meters above sea level? height in Greenland one month later?

“Awareness is progressing, but that is not enough. The problem, now, is the passage to the act, sighs Philippe Zaouati, CEO of Mirova, an asset management company dedicated to responsible investment. It’s a human reflex. First, we doubt the need to change and, once convinced, we tell ourselves that it will be enough to adapt a little for everything to continue…

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