Are sodas good for dieting? | Maya Roseman is tidying up

by time news

Many of us like to drink carbonated drinks. What is less known is how they affect our ability to lose weight. Dr. Maya Roseman addressed this question on her show on 103FM and explained: “Most of these drinks are based on water with a list of chemicals that are all undesirable for the body, and/or sugar or sweeteners, which are usually also the undesirable kind.”

Research: How much coffee should you drink to be less sick? | Maya Roseman

According to the nutritionist, “Coke drinks often also contain phosphoric acid, which can disrupt the balance between calcium and phosphorus in the body, and this causes the breakdown of bones and teeth, especially among those involved in sports.”

However, she claimed: “I’m in favor of listening to the body, if it closes the corner and prevents sweet snacks, then in a small amount it may have an advantage.”

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