Kenya and Rwanda deploy their forces in African security crises

by time news

“Announced by Kinshasa for more than a month, the special regional defense force has finally entered Congolese soil since Friday, September 24”, wrote the Congolese site Politico two days later.

Here is therefore operational this community force commanded by Kenya and supposed to support the Congolese troops in various areas of the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, undermined by conflicts for more than two decades. The most recent pits the army, allied with local militiamen, against the rebels of the March 23 Movement (M23). Driven out of the country in 2013, the M23 has been increasing its offensives in North Kivu since the end of March. Whether in the Rutshuru region or in Bunagana, a border town with Uganda, which he seized in mid-June.

Kenya invites itself into the Congolese crisis

It is precisely in Bunagana “that the contingent has entered the DRC”, precise Politico. who adds that “Burundi has also deployed its troops in the eastern region

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