How to start well on FUT 23? The novelties in detail

by time news

The most competitive game mode is back in FIFA 23, with a slightly simplified new look. We explain everything about FUT 23 and how to start your 2023 season well just below.

[Mis à jour le 3 octobre 2022 à 11h03] FIFA 23 marks the start of an intense football season for fans of the FUT mode. FUT 23 brings with it many new features, in particular simplifications of ergonomics and collective score which could well be a game-changer this year. Indeed, Electronic Arts announced its desire to promote diversity in team compositions and notably removed the position links in the collective score as well as the negative collective score. Enough to try new team compositions, and perhaps find the rare composition to help you progress on Division Rivals. In the meantime, we have prepared a short guide to the FUT 23 mode of FIFA 23, to allow you to start the season on the right foot, and without breaking the bank.

To start, we would have to define the FUT mode of FIFA 23. It is a competitive game mode, where players build and manage their own team, before embarking on ranked games in one against one and two against two. FIFA Ultimate Team (or FUT) is an entirely different world to the “classic” FIFA experience, it’s a much more complete mode, difficult to pick up and extremely competitive. But it attracts more and more players each year, by its complexity, its depth and its rewarding side. It is a mode that requires time and dedication, and if desired, money. But we will not leave aside there, this guide being a simple set of advice for players wishing to embark on the FUT adventure, without spending a penny.

And yes, because it must be remembered, FUT is based on the acquisition and sale of players, which we accumulate via packs that we can obtain by completing objectives, or by putting money into them. The (soccer) players each have one or more cards, with their own statistics, which divide them into four categories; bronze players, silver players and gold players, as well as special players, the latter being the most difficult to obtain. To give you an idea, the biggest players in FUT spend several thousand euros at the start of the season to multiply the purchases of packs and put together the best team possible. But out of the question for us to spend a kopek there

Division Rivals and the transfer market

The FUT mode is therefore based on the composition of a team, with which you will face other players in the Division Rivals mode in order to climb the levels that make up the divisions. There are 10 Divisions and an Elite Division, with Division 10 being the weakest, and Elite the strongest. Your team is made up of players with different ratings and statistics, some of whom you can sell to earn credits that will allow you to acquire other players. The transfer market in FIFA FUT is complex and is based on the same principle as an MMORPG auction house. Player prices are fluctuating and depend on their popularity and their value in a team at a given time. The stronger the player is in a FUT team, the more expensive it will be. Conversely, a player who is very expensive today may very well see his value divided by ten in a week. That’s why you have to deal with the transfer market sparingly.

The collective score

In FUT mode, your team is made up of individual players, from different clubs, different leagues and different countries. Only, the relationships between your players create what is called the “collective score” of your team. This stat defines the level of complicity between your different players, and the higher its value, the stronger your team will be, and the more your players will benefit from stat bonuses. Big changes have come with FIFA 23 to your team’s Chemistry system. Position links between players have been removed, allowing different players sharing common attributes (league, country, club) to increase your collective score regardless of their position on the pitch. A drastic change for the FUT mode, which will allow more variety in team compositions.

Each player’s Chemistry score is now between 0 and 3, indicated by three small stars to the left of their card. The more a player is suited to your composition, the closer their collective score will be to three. Previously, your team’s Chemistry stat score was between 1 and 100, now it’s set between 0 and 33 (3×11). Of course, the higher this value, the better your players will perform on the field.

The weekly rewards

The more you play FUT, the more weekly rewards you earn. Each week, challenges will be offered to you which, once completed, will allow you to win player packs. Do not hesitate to consult them every week to maximize your chances of obtaining new packs.

  • When FUT mode launches, you will be asked to choose a league, club or nation to get your first player pack. This year, the choice to be made is quite indisputable, to choose the France will allow you to get solid first players, which you will surely know. Indeed, France has quite a number of good players. Add to that your familiarity with the players and a small dose of croaking and your team will start quietly on its twenty-two legs.
  • Once you have obtained your pack, you will be guided through the creation of your crest, the customization of your stadium, and more generally by small tutorials which, although painful for experienced players, will allow you to familiarize yourself with the complex menu of FUT .
  • Build your team, the best possible while keeping a team score above 11 if possible.
  • The best way to practice is to play against the AI ​​in the mode team clash. You can change the difficulty of the AI ​​there and thus succeed in your weekly challenges, and win new packs.
  • You can also join the new game mode FUT Moments. This is a solo game mode offering you to complete more or less complicated challenges to unlock rewards.
  • The next step in unlocking new players is to focus on team composition challenges. The DCE allow, once a particular team composition has been made, to obtain specific players. They are the best way, along with weekly challenges, to win new players.
  • Once your team is approaching an overall score of 22+, you can jump into matches on Division Rivals. You will meet other FUT players there. Don’t forget that a lot of players buy packs and that their teams are likely to outdo you at the start of the game. A word of advice, don’t get discouraged and don’t hesitate to leave games that are too unbalanced.
  • When you begin to create your team, do not hesitate to study the statistics of your players. This season, it seems that the two most prized stats are once again speed and agility. We also see the potential of fairly physical players, like Lukkaku or Haaland (especially Haaland)
  • Again keep an eye on your Chemistry score. The stat boost from a Chemistry to 33 is extremely important. It can allow you to get a decent team with average players and it is almost impossible to do without it at a high level.
  • When you start FUT, you can very quickly be tempted to spend your credits against good players in the store. However, we have already told you, but the game is subject to a meta that evolves quite quickly. The value of players can literally explode or drop from week to week, and it’s taking a lot of risk to lose credits. One advice we can give you is not to spend more than 3000 credits on a player at the start of the game.
  • During the advanced creation of your team, do not always stay focused on the overall rating of your players, and do not hesitate to favor archetypes. Fast players on the wings, a solid pivot in the middle are all good options depending on your style of play. Obviously, if you manage to get players with an overall rating of more than 85, the choice may be quickly made.

You now have all the weapons to get started on the most competitive of FIFA 23 modes. Don’t forget, a big part of the game revolves around micro-transactions and it’s nice to remember that there is a certain class to play FUT 23 without opening your wallet to make it easier. Here we play hard. This guide was developed with the help of streamers Popov and Pafol, whom we thank.

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