Gynecologist Marlies Bongers receives Els Borst Prize for commitment to menstruation

by time news

Professor of gynecology Marlies Bongers has received the VNVA Els Borst Prize, during the symposium “menstruation in RED on the agenda”. Bongers receives this oeuvre prize because of her unwavering commitment to discussing the topic of menstrual blood loss and to research and treat menstrual disorders.

Marlies Bongers is professor of gynecology at Maastricht UMC+ and focuses on endometriosis in her patient care. She also coordinates research and supervises PhD students, focusing in particular on everyday gynecological complaints, such as menstrual problems and prolapse.

Menstruation in RED on the agenda
On the occasion of the presentation of the oeuvre prize, Bongers himself organized the symposium, entitled ‘menstruation in RED on the agenda’, intended to make menstruation in the workplace a topic of discussion. Four speakers discussed the topic of menstruation from different angles. Subsequently, there was a panel discussion about menstrual distress in the workplace, with organizations such as TZorg and, policymakers from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment and women’s rights organization Women INC.

Taboo on menstruation
“Women are good at avoiding the subject,” says Marlies Bongers. “they call in sick ‘with the flu’ when the bleeding is too heavy, go beyond their limits and continue working when that is actually not possible, or they start working part-time. Women mainly wear black, because the bleeding is so heavy and leakage cannot be seen. There are also people who choose not to work at all for this reason. It is a problem that exacerbates inequality in the workplace. “

We need to talk about this
According to Bongers, the solution does indeed start with starting a conversation: “talking about menstruation, anywhere, should be normal”. Menstrual leave, as introduced in Spain earlier this year, is an option, but often not necessary. By making company doctors and HR employees aware of the problem, Bongers hopes that a solution will be found together. The solution differs per complaint and per person. For example, it can help to work from home during menstruation, or to start an hour later. Above all, having severe menstrual symptoms is a sign that you should have it looked at by a doctor.

Els Borst Oeuvre Prize
The VNVA Els Borst Oeuvre Prize was established as a tribute to Els Borst, who passed away in 2014. She was an honorary member of the VNVA, the Association of Dutch Female Physicians. Her life and work were in the service of a respectful and high-quality health care in which optimal attention is paid to the differences between individual patients. The VNVA Els Borst Oeuvre Prize will be awarded to someone who, from a thematic perspective, has managed to develop an effective, and often lengthy, project that falls within the scope of essential improvement of women’s health.

Photo: Prof. Dr. Marlies Bongers during the symposium

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