“Punishment and stubbornness“: Sylviane Noël slams the government’s refusal to reinstate suspended caregivers

by time news

Tuesday, October 4, the Senate debated on hospital emergencies and unscheduled care at the request of the group Les Républicains. On this occasion, Senator LR Sylviane Noël questioned Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Health and Prevention, in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions, on the need to reintegrate health professionals suspended since September 15, 2021 following their refusal to receive the vaccination against Covid-19. evoking “a dying healthcare system”she argued that “we can no longer do without the slightest caregiver” to alleviate the shortage of staff in hospitals.

The right-wing politician first of all underlined in the first part of her speech that in France, “with more than 20 million passages per year, hospitals are overcrowded and faced with a double scissor effect: on the one hand, the shortage of carers, more serious than ever, and a strong use of emergencies for our compatriots. »

In the second part of his speech, hammering home that “This situation is no longer tenable”Mrs. Noël then recalled that the “almost all countries have abandoned this measure” and that the government now leaves the ” free choice “ caregivers to get vaccinated against Covid-19. “In these circumstances, the maintenance of this measure is incomprehensible and is more a matter of punishment and obstinacy than of health justification”she then asserted, drawing attention to the fact that “our health system is in agony” and that “we can no longer do without the slightest caregiver”. And to ask the minister: “My question is simple: when do you plan to lift this measure, which causes a little more dysfunction and congestion? »

“I want to say to those who think this is a miracle answer to the staffing problems of the hospital, they are wrong. “, retorted Ms. Firmin-Le Bodo, who believes that it is not a question of thousands of suspended caregivers but of “a few hundred people out of more than 300,000 caregivers”.

Although it has been established that vaccination does not prevent the transmission of Covid-19 or the development of serious forms of the disease, and although the Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices (OPESCT) has recognized in her progress report delivered on June 9, 2022 the risk of adverse effects linked to the injection, the Minister reiterated that the non-vaccinated medical personnel had “refused to protect themselves to protect others”. She adds : “The opinions of the Scientific Council and the High Authority for Health have been issued and they are in favor of maintaining the obligation to vaccinate against Covid-19 for personnel working in health and medico-social establishments”. Based on the highly controversial opinions of a select few scientists, she assured that the government has “We have always managed this crisis based on the recommendations of scientists and this is not going to change today. »

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