what gain on your complementary?

by time news

PENSION INCREASE. This Thursday, October 6, Agirc Arrco and the social partners are meeting to ratify the increase in the amount of additional effective on November 1.

[Mis à jour le 6 octobre 2022 à 09h49] The verdict should fall on Thursday concerning the amount of the increase in supplementary pensions. Indeed, Agirc-Arrco and the social partners are meeting at a board meeting to formalize this increase in the retirement pension of former private sector employees. In all likelihood, the revaluation should be 5,1% starting the 1 November 2022. To calculate this increase, Agirc Arrco is based on two main data. Firstly, the forecast average inflation rate over the year provided by INSEE (it could be close to the 5,3% in 2022). Then, with regard to the wage development index, it is estimated by taking the average between the government’s assumption, taken from the stability program and the European Commission’s assumption. This last indicator is important insofar as pensions cannot increase faster than wages, at the risk of jeopardizing the balance of the pension system.

As a reminder, the retirement of basic diet should see a further increase in January 1, 2023. Here, the revaluation should reach 0,8% after the first increases in 1,1% then 4% in 2022. If you want to know everything about the Agirc-Arrco scheme before the increase is made official, you can now consult our dedicated article. Who contributes? How it works ? It’s happening right here:

The rules for increasing supplementary pensions (Agirc-Arrco, for example) differ from those for basic pensions. These supplementary pensions are calculated from the number of points acquired during the career, to which a value of the point is multiplied. Then, the social partners decide on a possible revaluation of the value of this point.

Generally, these pensions are increased every year on November 1st. In 2021, the value of the Agirc-Arrco point was revalued by 1%. Regarding these supplementary pensions, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire was clear: “It is up to the social partners to upgrade supplementary pensions. We will increase the basic pensions.” So, a little more patience to know the next revaluation of the index point! But in all likelihood, the rise in supplementary pensions is expected to be announced in early October 2022. For additional Agirc Arrcothe social partners will meet on October 6, 2022 during a board meeting to formalize the service value of the point, and therefore, the increase in supplementary pensions from 1 November 2022. Last year, the negotiations initiated by the social partners resulted in an amendment to the 2019 agreement. less 0,5 point instead of 0.2 points to determine the development of supplementary retirement pensions in relation to the level of inflation.

The first payment of the pension increase for the basic scheme therefore took place on September 9, 2022, one month late. Regarding public service pensioners, the increase will take place at the end of September. Supplementary pensions will be revalued on November 1, 2022. The increase will be between 4.9% and 5.2%. Finally, basic scheme pensions will increase by 0.8% on January 1, 2023 as set out in the Social Security financing bill. Here is the full schedule:

  • September 9, 2022 : 4% increase for pensions from the basic scheme
  • September 28, 2022 : 4% increase for retirees from the State civil service
  • September 29, 2022 : 4% increase for retirees from the hospital public service
  • 1 November 2022 : increase of 5.1% for complementary Agirc-Arrco
  • January 1, 2023 : increase of 0.8% for pensions from the basic scheme

Civil servants, employees of the private sector… This increase in pensions concerns all the basic schemes! In other words, the retirement of proper rightthe pensions of reversionthe beneficiaries of theBLADE as well as theBUT.

The successive increases in the amount of retirement pensions (1% in January 2022 et 4% in July 2022) represent a cumulative increase of about 60 euros for a retirement pension equal to 1 200 euros according to Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne who gave this figure during an interview with France Bleu on June 7, 2022.

Be careful, however, it is not the exact amount that will be displayed on your total pension since it should be remembered that this increase only concerns basic retirement pensions, excluding supplementary ones. However, the average in France for basic pensions is 704 euros according to the statement of the National Pension Insurance Fund, the CNAV. If we take this figure, the 4% gain expected this summer represents an increase of 28 euros per month. For a pension of 1,200 euros, the increase amounts to 45 euros monthly.

The amount of pensions from the basic scheme should also be reassessed from January 2023. The increase should be around 0.8%, as set out in the Social Security financing bill. It follows an initial revaluation of 4% in July 2022, as part of the purchasing power law passed this summer by deputies and senators. The government’s objective being to index the rise in pensions to the rise in inflation, measured at 5,8% in August over one year, and which should exceed 5% on average over the whole of 2022. ASPA beneficiaries and survivors’ pensions are also affected. A debate on a new anticipation of the revaluation of pensions is already planned for Parliament in mid-October, in particular due to the high inflation which should continue in the first quarter of 2023.

The overall retirement pension for civil servants consists mainly of the basic pension. A supplementary scheme, the “additional public service pension (RAFP)” also exists, but is not affected by the revaluation of retirement pensions. The increase in retirement pensions for civil servants should therefore be the same as for other employees.

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