follow the presentation of the government’s sobriety plan

by time news

Energy sobriety: “If we all mobilize”, “we pass[ra] winter”, says Emmanuel Macron

The Head of State once again called on the French people, and in particular businesses, to immediately implement the energy sobriety measures which, if everyone respects them, will allow France to “spend the winter” even if it is rough.

Speaking Thursday morning in front of entrepreneurs at Bpifrance Inno Génération (BIG) in Paris, Emmanuel Macron defended the sobriety plan to be presented by the government in the afternoon.

The goal, “it’s having a few very simple mechanisms to collectively succeed in reducing what we usually consume by 10%”he explained. “If the whole nation manages to meet this objective, which is purely voluntary – you don’t need a decree of law, complicated things – if we all mobilize to meet it, in the worst scenarios we pass[ra] Winter “he assured.

“This is what makes us master of our destiny, even if there is no more gas coming from Russia, which is still the most likely given what has happened these last days “, argued the President of the Republic. Emmanuel Macron again stressed that “the energy we save is the cheapest”. But, according to him, this does not mean producing less or moving towards a degrowth economy”. Not at all, sobriety just means gaining in efficiency” in “ constantly tracking the hidden costs (…) everything we can do to produce even more but spending less”.

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