New evidence for water on Mars

by time news

London: New evidence of water on Mars has been found. Scientists are constantly engaged in research to answer the question of whether there is water on Mars. An international team of researchers has found evidence of liquid water at the south pole of Mars. Surprising information about this has been revealed.

In 2018, the Mars Express orbiter detected rising and falling ice (fog) surfaces at the south pole of Mars, suggesting that liquid water may lie beneath. Scientists at that time did not believe it. Around the same time that the Mars Express orbiter discovered a strange radar signal the spacecraft measured, they thought it might be an object lurking beneath the fog.

But recently, an international team of scientists led by researchers from the University of Cambridge, England, used a different technique to study an ice-covered region on Mars known as Ultimis Scabili. In it, they discovered that liquid water on Mars is possible.

Professor Neil Arnold, from the University of Cambridge, said: “New geological evidence, our computer model results and radar data now provide evidence for at least a fraction of liquid water on Mars.” Professor Francis Butcher of the University of Sheffield, who collaborated on the research, said: “This study provides the best indication that liquid water exists on Mars today, because two of the main sources we look for when looking for subglacial lakes on Earth have now been found on Mars.”
“Liquid water is the most essential substance for life. However, this does not mean that there are living things on Mars,” he said. More details about this research have been published in the journal Nature Astronomy.

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