Precht and Welzer: How threatened is the diversity of opinion in the media?

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How threatened is diversity of opinion in the media?

The The

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers

Source: world

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The authors Richard David Precht and Harald Welzer accuse the leading German media of suppressing opinions that differ from the “mainstream”. In the podcast we clarify what to think of it. And we talk to René Pfister, the Washington correspondent for Der Spiegel, about his book A Wrong Word.

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The authors Richard David Precht and Harald Welzer claim in their book “The Fourth Power” that leading German media are working on narrowing the corridor of opinion. Anything that doesn’t fit into a certain “mainstream” is intentionally put down and defamed. The two prominent authors say they wrote the book out of concern for journalism. In this edition of our podcast “Die Medien-Woche” we talk about the theses of Precht and Welzer – and what to think of them.

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The fifth estate?  Richard David Precht and Harald Welzer

We also speak to René Pfister, the Washington correspondent for Der Spiegel. In his book A Wrong Word, he describes why the American left’s turn to identity politics has helped the Republican right and Donald Trump with it.

Not only at universities, but also in the media, the risk of losing your job simply by publishing controversial opinion pieces has increased in recent years. In one chapter, Pfister recaps, among other things, the case of James Bennett, who was opinion leader for the “New York Times” and had to leave after a guest article by Republican Senator Tom Cotton was printed. The complete interview with René Pfister can be found in this issue of “Medien-Woche”.

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A career shattered: Jonas Nay in

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers. Christian Meier, editor at WELT, and Stefan Winterbauer, editor-in-chief of the industry service Meedia, talk about the most important topics of the week every Friday. Background, analytical, entertaining.

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