Greek flavors: the Greek menu is beyond tastes, colors and smells

by time news

A vacation in Greece is an opportunity to enjoy everything this magical country has to offer. Spectacular beaches and clear water, fun itineraries, authentic music, warm people. And how not? Culinary.

For us, as nutritionists, the Greek menu is beyond tastes, colors and smells. This is the basis of the Mediterranean diet, which is considered the most recommended by international health organizations – and also by the Ministry of Health in Israel.

From research to theory

In the 1960s, the “Seven Countries Study” was conducted, which became famous due to the fact that it was one of the first and largest studies that examined the relationship between physical health and nutrition in different cultures. In the 1950s, health organizations in the United States were troubled by the high increase in the rate of heart attacks and cardiac diseases. Dr. Ansel Keyes, a dietitian and physiologist from Minnesota, decided to investigate the issue, and starting in 1947 he examined the relationship between diet and the death rate from cardiovascular diseases among men from different countries: the United States, Italy, Spain, Yugoslavia, Japan, Finland and Greece. The study was actually a review of many studies from around the world, in which approximately 13 thousand men aged 40-59 participated.

The study found that Finland has the highest mortality rate, while the Greek island of Crete has the lowest mortality rate. In Finland, most of the fat consumed by the participants was saturated fat that originated from the animal world – the fat in meat and butter, while in Crete most of the fat on the menu was monounsaturated fat that originated mainly from olive oil. The conclusion of the study was that the Mediterranean diet, which also includes olive oil, has health benefits.

In recent years, there has been criticism of Dr. Keys’ research. The main argument is that the research is biased because countries were selected in advance that would fit the research hypothesis. But even regardless of the reliability of the research, the status of the Mediterranean diet has steadily increased over the years based on additional studies that support the recommendation to adopt it .

Not only that, but other studies have indicated that life expectancy in Crete is high compared to other regions.

The basis of the Mediterranean diet

Daily consumption of a variety of grains: wheat, rye, barley, corn, rice, oats – and preference for whole grains.
Vegetables: in a selection of colors, not only red from a tomato and green thanks to the cucumber or lettuce, but also white from mushrooms, for example, purple from cabbage or onion, and yellow and orange when peppers and carrots are combined. Vegetables at every meal – and between meals.
Fresh fruit as a sweet dessert.
The main source of oil in the menu is olive oil and a selection of nuts (without added salt).
Legumes: a regular combination of legumes in the menu such as chickpeas, peas, soybeans, beans, pulses and lentils. These are satisfying, nutritious and have nutritional qualities thanks to an abundance of proteins, dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals. The legumes can be consumed as they are, as part of a balanced meal or as part of various dishes including soup, stew or salad.
Fish: tuna, sardines, mackerel, salmon and others as part of a regular menu.
Beef: minimize the consumption of beef, and choose the lean cuts.
Milk and its products: low fat.
Herbs and spices that add flavor and quality and help reduce salt (sodium) seasoning.
Drinking: water-water-water. At least 8 glasses a day.
Red wine: moderate consumption, one glass a day.

And beyond these recommendations, today’s approach to promoting health is holistic, referring to the whole. The Greek word diet means lifestyle. That means not only nutrition but also persistence in combining daily physical activity, leisure culture (art, gardening, reading), spending time with family and friends.

Greece – then and now

Perhaps surprising, but even the Greeks, similar to the trend that is happening all over the world, are moving away from the original food on which their traditional diet was based, despite its proven contribution to promoting health.

Greece is one of the EU member states that is at the top of the list of deaths due to ischemic heart disease and stroke. The risk factors for heart disease are arterial hypertension, high blood cholesterol levels, diabetes and obesity.

According to the latest World Health Organization data published in 2020, the number of deaths from coronary heart disease in Greece reached 21,124 – 20.92% of the total number of deaths.

A study of the latest OECD report indicates that the excess weight in Greece is 57.2% among the adult population. In Israel the situation is slightly better – 54.7%. Another interesting figure we found is that the Greeks’ level of satisfaction with life is 5.8 out of 10, while the OECD average is 6.7.

Indeed, a visit to Greece, which includes meals in restaurants (some of which are intended for tourists), and limited purchases of food in stores, indicates an unwanted change in the local diet. the food is delicious. The impression is that the ingredients are fresh and there is plenty of vegetables and cheeses. But it can also be seen that the bread served as an appetizer in taverns is not necessarily whole grain bread, but processed white bread. The desserts are not based on fruit but ice creams and pastries high in sugar and fat.

From our impression, the menus have more meat dishes than fish dishes, unless you are looking for dedicated fish restaurants. Dairy products are a significant part of the menu, but they are not necessarily low-fat.

Some attribute the changes to the great economic crisis that Greece went through, and the relegation of a part of the population – especially the weak – to the industrialized, ultra-processed and less healthy food products. It is possible that the economic reality there and the difficulty of survival for many also influenced the increase in the incidence of depression and harmed the joy and peace that characterized the Greek people for many years. However, and regardless of the dry data, we found a lot of charm, beauty and taste in Greece. A recommended destination for the Sukkot holiday and in general. 

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