Personal training account: the ban on cold calling voted by the Assembly

by time news

Posted Oct 6, 2022 11:17 AMUpdated on Oct 7, 2022 at 7:46 am

Hidden calls, unwanted SMS and emails and always the same message: it’s a good time to spend the credits accumulated on your personal training account (CPF). And, too often, behind this canvassing, many scams. This should soon end: abusive canvassing about the CPF will be prohibited.

The National Assembly examined this Thursday a bill, presented by the deputies Bruno Fuchs (Modem), Sylvain Maillard (Renaissance) and Thomas Mesnier (Horizons). The subject being a consensus, the very short text – two articles and ten amendments – was adopted unanimously by the 73 voters at the Palais-Bourbon, with the aim of being promulgated before the end of the year.

The first article provides purely and simply to prohibit “telephone canvassing, by SMS and by e-mail from training organizations with a view to combating CPF fraud”. A ban which takes the form of that adopted in July 2020 on canvassing for energy renovation work, against the backdrop of fraud at MaPrimeRénov ‘. The second article allows State services to exchange useful information to fight against fraud.

A device copied from MaPrimeRénov’

In the presentation of the law, the drafters salute the success of the CPF, which, they say, “allowed a real democratization of access to training”, the Mon CPF application being “now part of the daily lives of many French “.

Reverse of success, if “serious fraud […] are few […]aggressive canvassing today constitutes a real nuisance” and can sow “doubt” and “discredit on the vocational training sector” by “very often conveying erroneous information”.

In July 2022, Tracfin, Bercy’s intelligence service, estimated that some €43.2 million was misappropriated in 2021 via CPF fraud, compared to €7.8 million the previous year. Reports had increased sharply: 166 in 2021 compared to 10 in 2020.

During her speech, in which she defended the bill, Minister Delegate for Vocational Education and Training Carole Grandjean specified that the government was going to work on “better regulation of the CPF so that it is better targeted towards the needs of the economy, that is to say the professions in tension as much as the professions of the future”. “This is work that I will carry out in consultation with the social partners,” she added.

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