The new line in Ayelet Shaked’s campaign

by time news

The chairman of the Jewish Home and the Minister of the Interior, Ayelet Shaked, arrived yesterday (Thursday) at Moshav Mahola in the Jordan Valley, a Dor farm that was set on fire by terrorists on the eve of Yom Kippur. Kipa News has learned that Shaked has decided to focus on the governance issue, and is expected to publish a treatment plan soon. Also a substrate for the housing crisis on the way.

Ayelet Shaked: I came to see the fire damage and my heart burned

As mentioned, during the visit to Moshav Machula, the Minister of the Interior stated that in the next Knesset, agricultural crime should be dealt with seriously. “I arrived this morning in Mashek Dor to see the damage of the fire caused by Palestinian terrorists on the eve of Yom Kippur, and my heart burned. They set the packing house on fire, threw Molotov cocktails. There are cameras, there are traces, the terrorists need to be caught and dealt with harshly, at least 10 years in prison. Minimum sentences should be enacted in the next Knesset so that terrorists will be deterred,” Shaked said.

She added and said that “our farmers cling to the land, it’s hard for them anyway and we need to do everything possible to make it easier for them. They are subject to agricultural crime, protection offenses, problems of theft, cutting fences, destroying crops and this needs to be put an end to.”

“Furthermore, the presence of the Ministry of Defense should be increased to deal with agricultural crime, it is a case of human rights and it is necessary. Also, the Ministry of Agriculture can give a grant for packing houses to a generation farm – this can help them get a temporary packing house up and running.”

Shaked will undertake to take care of the young settlement in any government that is established

We note that at the beginning of the week, the candidates of the Jewish Home list headed by Minister Ayelet Shaked arrived at the site of the regulation of the young settlement in Givat Harel and will pledge that in any government that is formed, they will insist that the regulation of the young settlement be included in the government’s basic guidelines, according to the Young Settlement Forum.

We will remind you that on the site of the young settlement in Benjamin, a display was set up with the wording of the commitment to act for the settlement of the young settlement, which was already signed by the representatives of the various parties in the right-wing bloc. We note that on the eve of the previous elections, the alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett provided a similar statement.

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